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Nicky Sulmon
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2009-2014
Publications (10 Years): 0
Top Topics
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Context Aware Computing
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Ubiquitous Learning
Top Venues
Appl. Ontology
CHI Extended Abstracts
Femke Ongenae
Pieter Duysburgh
Nicky Sulmon
Mathijs Verstraete
Lizzy Bleumers
Saar De Zutter
Stijn Verstichel
Ann Ackaert
An Jacobs
Filip De Turck
An ontology co-design method for the co-creation of a continuous care ontology.
Appl. Ontology
9 (1) (2014)
Arne Jansen
Nicky Sulmon
Maarten Van Mechelen
Bieke Zaman
Jeroen Vanattenhoven
Dirk De Grooff
Beyond the familiar?: exploring extreme input in brainstorms.
CHI Extended Abstracts
Femke Ongenae
Pieter Duysburgh
Mathijs Verstraete
Nicky Sulmon
Lizzy Bleumers
An Jacobs
Ann Ackaert
Saar De Zutter
Stijn Verstichel
Filip De Turck
User-driven design of a context-aware application: An ambient-intelligent nurse call system.
Femke Ongenae
Lizzy Bleumers
Nicky Sulmon
Mathijs Verstraete
Mieke van Gils
An Jacobs
Saar De Zutter
Piet Verhoeve
Ann Ackaert
Filip De Turck
Participatory Design of a Continuous Care Ontology - Towards a User-driven Ontology Engineering Methodology.
Lizzy Bleumers
An Jacobs
Femke Ongenae
Ann Ackaert
Nicky Sulmon
Mathijs Verstraete
Mieke van Gils
Saar De Zutter
Towards ontology co-creation in institutionalized care settings.
Roel Peeters
Markulf Kohlweiss
Bart Preneel
Nicky Sulmon
Threshold things that think: usable authorization for resharing.