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Nazakat Ali
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2018-2024
Publications (10 Years): 23
Top Topics
Cyber Physical
Colored Petri Nets
Product Line
Conversational Agent
Top Venues
J. Softw. Evol. Process.
Nazakat Ali
Sasikumar Punnekkat
Abdul Rauf
Modeling and safety analysis for collaborative safety-critical systems using hierarchical colored Petri nets.
J. Syst. Softw.
210 (2024)
Md. Alamgir Kabir
Atiq ur Rehman
M. M. Manjurul Islam
Nazakat Ali
Marcia Lourenco Baptista
Cross-Version Software Defect Prediction Considering Concept Drift and Chronological Splitting.
15 (10) (2023)
Malina Adach
Nazakat Ali
Kaj Hänninen
Kristina Lundqvist
Hazard Analysis on a System of Systems using the Hazard Ontology.
Manzoor Hussain
Nazakat Ali
Jang-Eui Hong
Securing Safety in Collaborative Cyber-Physical Systems through Fault Criticality Analysis.
Nazakat Ali
Sasikumar Punnekkat
Composite Hazard Analysis of System of Systems for Mixed-traffic Automation in Underground Mine.
Manzoor Hussain
Nazakat Ali
Jang-Eui Hong
DeepGuard: a framework for safeguarding autonomous driving systems from inconsistent behaviour.
Autom. Softw. Eng.
29 (1) (2022)
Nazakat Ali
Manzoor Hussain
Jang-Eui Hong
SafeSoCPS: A Composite Safety Analysis Approach for System of Cyber-Physical Systems.
22 (12) (2022)
Tabish Ali
Waseem Haider
Nazakat Ali
Muhammad Aslam
A Machine Learning Architecture Replacing Heavy Instrumented Laboratory Tests: In Application to the Pullout Capacity of Geosynthetic Reinforced Soils.
22 (22) (2022)
Manzoor Hussain
Nazakat Ali
Jang-Eui Hong
Vision beyond the Field-of-View: A Collaborative Perception System to Improve Safety of Intelligent Cyber-Physical Systems.
22 (17) (2022)
Nazakat Ali
Jang-Eui Hong
Lawrence Chung
Social network sites and requirements engineering: A systematic literature review.
J. Softw. Evol. Process.
33 (4) (2021)
Manzoor Hussain
Nazakat Ali
Jang-Eui Hong
DeepGuard: A Framework for Safeguarding Autonomous Driving Systems from Inconsistent Behavior.
Youngjae Kim
Nazakat Ali
Jang-Eui Hong
Safety-based Platoon Driving Simulation with Variable Environmental Conditions.
Nazakat Ali
Manzoor Hussain
Youngjae Kim
Jang-Eui Hong
A Generic Framework For Capturing Reliability in Cyber Physical Systems.
Nazakat Ali
Manzoor Hussain
Jang-Eui Hong
Analyzing Safety of Collaborative Cyber-Physical Systems Considering Variability.
IEEE Access
8 (2020)
Nazakat Ali
Manzoor Hussain
Youngjae Kim
Jang-Eui Hong
A Generic Framework For Capturing Reliability in Cyber-Physical Systems.
Nazakat Ali
Chatbot: A Conversational Agent employed with Named Entity Recognition Model using Artificial Neural Network.
Nazakat Ali
Daneth Horn
Jang-Eui Hong
A hybrid DevOps process supporting software reuse: A pilot project.
J. Softw. Evol. Process.
32 (7) (2020)
Daneth Horn
Nazakat Ali
Jang-Eui Hong
Automatic Identifying Interaction Components in Collaborative Cyber-Physical Systems.
Nazakat Ali
Sangwon Hwang
Jang-Eui Hong
Your Opinions Let us Know: Mining Social Network Sites to Evolve Software Product Lines.
KSII Trans. Internet Inf. Syst.
13 (8) (2019)
Nazakat Ali
Jang-Eui Hong
Using Social Network Service to determine the Initial User Requirements for Small Software Businesses.
Nazakat Ali
Jang-Eui Hong
A Bird's Eye View on Social Network Sites and Requirements Engineering.
Daneth Horn
Nazakat Ali
Jang-Eui Hong
Towards Enhancement of Fault Traceability Among Multiple Hazard Analyses in Cyber-Physical Systems.
Nazakat Ali
Jang-Eui Hong
Failure Detection and Prevention for Cyber-Physical Systems Using Ontology-Based Knowledge Base.
7 (4) (2018)