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Nabil Giweli
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2015-2023
Publications (10 Years): 6
Top Topics
Spectrum Sensing
Biometric Authentication
Mixed Reality
Surgical Training
Top Venues
Multim. Tools Appl.
EURASIP J. Wirel. Commun. Netw.
Zahia Lalama
Fouzi Semechedine
Nabil Giweli
Samra Boulfekhar
Social Spider Optimization Meta-heuristic for Node Localization Optimization in Wireless Sensor Networks.
Most Nuzman Nahar
Abeer Alsadoon
P. W. C. Prasad
Nabil Giweli
Omar Hisham Alsadoon
An enhanced one-time password with biometric authentication for mixed reality surgical Tele-presence.
Multim. Tools Appl.
80 (7) (2021)
Reena Maharjan
Abeer Alsadoon
P. W. C. Prasad
Nabil Giweli
Omar Hisham Alsadoon
A novel secure solution of using mixed reality in data transmission for bowel and jaw surgical training: markov property using SHA 256.
Multim. Tools Appl.
80 (12) (2021)
Prashant Subedi
Abeer Alsadoon
P. W. C. Prasad
Sabih ur Rehman
Nabil Giweli
Muhammad Imran
Samrah Arif
Network slicing: a next generation 5G perspective.
EURASIP J. Wirel. Commun. Netw.
2021 (1) (2021)
Nabil Giweli
Seyed A. Shahrestani
Hon Cheung
Spectrum Sensing Strategy to Enhance the QoS in White-Fi Networks.
Nabil Giweli
Seyed A. Shahrestani
Hon Cheung
QoS-aware spectrum sensing in White-Fi cognitive radio networks.
Nabil Giweli
Seyed A. Shahrestani
Hon Cheung
Selecting the Sensing Method in Cognitive Radio and Future Networks: A QoS-Aware Fuzzy Scheme.