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Mohamed Abdulnabi
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2015-2018
Publications (10 Years): 3
Top Topics
Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process
Android Platform
Information Exchange
Software Packages
Top Venues
J. Biomed. Informatics
Decis. Support Syst.
Pervasive Mob. Comput.
Comput. Secur.
Muzammil Hussain
Ahmed Al-Haiqi
A. A. Zaidan
B. B. Zaidan
Miss Laiha Mat Kiah
Salman Iqbal
Shaukat Iqbal
Mohamed Abdulnabi
A security framework for mHealth apps on Android platform.
Comput. Secur.
75 (2018)
Mohamed Abdulnabi
Ahmed Al-Haiqi
Miss Laiha Mat Kiah
A. A. Zaidan
B. B. Zaidan
Muzammil Hussain
A distributed framework for health information exchange using smartphone technologies.
J. Biomed. Informatics
69 (2017)
Muzammil Hussain
Ahmed Al-Haiqi
A. A. Zaidan
B. B. Zaidan
Miss Laiha Mat Kiah
Nor Badrul Anuar
Mohamed Abdulnabi
The rise of keyloggers on smartphones: A survey and insight into motion-based tap inference attacks.
Pervasive Mob. Comput.
25 (2016)
A. A. Zaidan
B. B. Zaidan
Ahmed Al-Haiqi
Miss Laiha Mat Kiah
Muzammil Hussain
Mohamed Abdulnabi
Evaluation and selection of open-source EMR software packages based on integrated AHP and TOPSIS.
J. Biomed. Informatics
53 (2015)
B. B. Zaidan
Ahmed Haiqi
A. A. Zaidan
Mohamed Abdulnabi
Miss Laiha Mat Kiah
Hussaen Muzamel
A Security Framework for Nationwide Health Information Exchange based on Telehealth Strategy.
J. Medical Syst.
39 (5) (2015)
Muzammil Hussain
Ahmed Al-Haiqi
A. A. Zaidan
B. B. Zaidan
Miss Laiha Mat Kiah
Nor Badrul Anuar
Mohamed Abdulnabi
The landscape of research on smartphone medical apps: Coherent taxonomy, motivations, open challenges and recommendations.
Comput. Methods Programs Biomed.
122 (3) (2015)
A. A. Zaidan
B. B. Zaidan
Muzammil Hussain
Ahmed Haiqi
Miss Laiha Mat Kiah
Mohamed Abdulnabi
Multi-criteria analysis for OS-EMR software selection problem: A comparative study.
Decis. Support Syst.
78 (2015)