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Mitsuhiro Fukuda
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 1998-2023
Publications (10 Years): 7
Top Topics
Manually Annotated
Functional Connectivity
Supervised Machine Learning
Visual Cortex
Top Venues
Brain Connect.
Alexander John Poplawsky
Christopher Cover
Sujatha Reddy
Harris B. Chishti
Alberto Vazquez
Mitsuhiro Fukuda
Odor-evoked layer-specific fMRI activities in the awake mouse olfactory bulb.
274 (2023)
Takunori Shimazaki
Daisuke Anzai
Kenta Watanabe
Atsushi Nakajima
Mitsuhiro Fukuda
Shingo Ata
Heat Stroke Prevention in Hot Specific Occupational Environment Enhanced by Supervised Machine Learning with Personalized Vital Signs.
22 (1) (2022)
Alexander John Poplawsky
Bistra Iordanova
Alberto L. Vazquez
Seong-Gi Kim
Mitsuhiro Fukuda
Postsynaptic activity of inhibitory neurons evokes hemodynamic fMRI responses.
225 (2021)
Alexander John Poplawsky
Mitsuhiro Fukuda
Seong-Gi Kim
Foundations of layer-specific fMRI and investigations of neurophysiological activity in the laminarized neocortex and olfactory bulb of animal models.
199 (2019)
Alexander John Poplawsky
Mitsuhiro Fukuda
Bok-man Kang
Jae Hwan Kim
Minah Suh
Seong-Gi Kim
Dominance of layer-specific microvessel dilation in contrast-enhanced high-resolution fMRI: Comparison between hemodynamic spread and vascular architecture with CLARITY.
197 (2019)
Matthew C. Murphy
Alexander John Poplawsky
Alberto L. Vazquez
Kevin C. Chan
Seong-Gi Kim
Mitsuhiro Fukuda
Improved spatial accuracy of functional maps in the rat olfactory bulb using supervised machine learning approach.
137 (2016)
Anil K. Vasireddi
Alberto L. Vazquez
David Whitney
Mitsuhiro Fukuda
Seong-Gi Kim
Functional Connectivity of Resting Hemodynamic Signals in Submillimeter Orientation Columns of the Visual Cortex.
Brain Connect.
6 (8) (2016)
Chan-Hong Moon
Mitsuhiro Fukuda
Seong-Gi Kim
Spatiotemporal characteristics and vascular sources of neural-specific and -nonspecific fMRI signals at submillimeter columnar resolution.
64 (2013)
Cecil Chern-Chyi Yen
Mitsuhiro Fukuda
Seong-Gi Kim
BOLD responses to different temporal frequency stimuli in the lateral geniculate nucleus and visual cortex: Insights into the neural basis of fMRI.
58 (1) (2011)
Taiki Uemura
Takashi Kato
Hideya Matsuyama
Keiji Takahisa
Mitsuhiro Fukuda
Kichiji Hatanaka
Investigation of multi cell upset in sequential logic and validity of redundancy technique.
Shigeru Tanaka
Chan-Hong Moon
Mitsuhiro Fukuda
Seong-Gi Kim
Three-dimensional visual feature representation in the primary visual cortex.
Neural Networks
24 (10) (2011)
Tae Kim
Kazuto Masamoto
Mitsuhiro Fukuda
Alberto Vazquez
Seong-Gi Kim
Frequency-dependent neural activity, CBF, and BOLD fMRI to somatosensory stimuli in isoflurane-anesthetized rats.
52 (1) (2010)
Mitsuhiro Fukuda
Ping Wang
Chan-Hong Moon
Manabu Tanifuji
Seong-Gi Kim
Spatial specificity of the enhanced dip inherently induced by prolonged oxygen consumption in cat visual cortex: Implication for columnar resolution functional MRI.
30 (1) (2006)
Mitsuhiro Fukuda
Makoto Nishizaki
Manabu Tanifuji
Functional Structures from Different Components of Intrinsic Signal in Cat Visual Cortex.