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Miriam Greis
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2012-2019
Publications (10 Years): 10
Top Topics
Uncertain Data
Data From Multiple Sources
Input Space
Behavior Patterns
Top Venues
Tangible and Embedded Interaction
Miriam Greis
Hyunyoung Kim
Andreas Korge
Céline Coutrix
Albrecht Schmidt
Extending Input Space of Tangible Dials and Sliders for Uncertain Input.
Tangible and Embedded Interaction
Miriam Greis
Hyunyoung Kim
Andreas Korge
Albrecht Schmidt
Céline Coutrix
SplitSlider: A Tangible Interface to Input Uncertainty.
Miriam Greis
Aditi Joshi
Ken Singer
Albrecht Schmidt
Tonja Machulla
Uncertainty Visualization Influences how Humans Aggregate Discrepant Information.
Miriam Greis
Emre Avci
Albrecht Schmidt
Tonja Machulla
Increasing Users' Confidence in Uncertain Data by Aggregating Data from Multiple Sources.
Miriam Greis
Hendrik Schuff
Marius Kleiner
Niels Henze
Albrecht Schmidt
Input Controls for Entering Uncertain Data: Probability Distribution Sliders.
Proc. ACM Hum. Comput. Interact.
1 (EICS) (2017)
Miriam Greis
Tilman Dingler
Albrecht Schmidt
Chris Schmandt
Leveraging user-made predictions to help understand personal behavior patterns.
Alexandra Voit
Miriam Greis
Dominik Weber
Katharina Gönner
Isabella Kutger
Tamara Mantz
Simone Schmidt
Lucas van der Vekens
Albrecht Schmidt
My painting shows my stats: towards a personal colorful activity display.
Miriam Greis
Jakob Karolus
Hendrik Schuff
Pawel W. Wozniak
Niels Henze
Detecting uncertain input using physiological sensing and behavioral measurements.
Miriam Greis
Jessica Hullman
Michael Correll
Matthew Kay
Orit Shaer
Designing for Uncertainty in HCI: When Does Uncertainty Help?
CHI Extended Abstracts
Miriam Greis
Passant El Agroudy
Hendrik Schuff
Tonja Machulla
Albrecht Schmidt
Decision-Making under Uncertainty: How the Amount of Presented Uncertainty Influences User Behavior.
Miriam Greis
Thorsten Ohler
Niels Henze
Albrecht Schmidt
Investigating Representation Alternatives for Communicating Uncertainty to Non-experts.
Sarah Clinch
Mateusz Mikusz
Miriam Greis
Nigel Davies
Adrian Friday
Mercury: an application store for open display networks.
Sarah Clinch
Nigel Davies
Adrian Friday
Miriam Greis
Marc Langheinrich
Mateusz Mikusz
Thomas Kubitza
Christopher Winstanley
Demo: An Ecosystem for Open Display Networks.
Florian Alt
Nemanja Memarovic
Miriam Greis
Niels Henze
UniDisplay - A research prototype to investigate expectations towards public display applications.
PerCom Workshops
Miriam Greis
Florian Alt
Niels Henze
Nemanja Memarovic
I can wait a minute: uncovering the optimal delay time for pre-moderated user-generated content on public displays.
Michael Burch
Michael Raschke
Miriam Greis
Daniel Weiskopf
Enriching Indented Pixel Tree Plots with Node-Oriented Quantitative, Categorical, Relational, and Time-Series Data.
Michael Burch
Christoph Müller
Guido Reina
Hansjörg Schmauder
Miriam Greis
Daniel Weiskopf
Visualizing Dynamic Call Graphs.