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Miguel Mark
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2018-2021
Publications (10 Years): 8
Top Topics
Multi Processor
Computing Systems
Parallel Computers
Confirmatory Factor Analysis
Top Venues
ACM Trans. Design Autom. Electr. Syst.
Pruthvy Yellu
Landon Buell
Miguel Mark
Michel A. Kinsy
Dongpeng Xu
Qiaoyan Yu
Security Threat Analyses and Attack Models for Approximate Computing Systems: From Hardware and Micro-architecture Perspectives.
ACM Trans. Design Autom. Electr. Syst.
26 (4) (2021)
Xi Wang
John D. Leidel
Brody Williams
Alan Ehret
Miguel Mark
Michel A. Kinsy
Yong Chen
xBGAS: A Global Address Space Extension on RISC-V for High Performance Computing.
Ghada Dessouky
Mihailo Isakov
Michel A. Kinsy
Pouya Mahmoody
Miguel Mark
Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi
Emmanuel Stapf
Shaza Zeitouni
Distributed Memory Guard: Enabling Secure Enclave Computing in NoC-based Architectures.
Rashmi S. Agrawal
Sahan Bandara
Alan Ehret
Mihailo Isakov
Miguel Mark
Michel A. Kinsy
The BRISC-V Platform: A Practical Teaching Approach for Computer Architecture.
Michel A. Kinsy
Donato Kava
Alan Ehret
Miguel Mark
Sphinx: A Secure Architecture Based on Binary Code Diversification and Execution Obfuscation.
Ahmad Patooghy
Ehsan Aerabi
Hamidreza Rezaei
Miguel Mark
Mahdi Fazeli
Michel A. Kinsy
Mystic: Mystifying IP Cores Using an Always-ON FSM Obfuscation Method.
Michel A. Kinsy
Lake Bu
Mihailo Isakov
Miguel Mark
Designing Secure Heterogeneous Multicore Systems from Untrusted Components.
2 (3) (2018)
Lake Bu
Miguel Mark
Michel A. Kinsy
A Short Survey at the Intersection of Reliability and Security in Processor Architecture Designs.