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Michael Heinz
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 1996-2024
Publications (10 Years): 3
Top Topics
Diabetic Retinopathy
Road Surface
Text Recognition
Mobile Communication
Top Venues
Proc. ACM Interact. Mob. Wearable Ubiquitous Technol.
M. L. Tlachac
Michael Heinz
Miranda Reisch
Samuel S. Ogden
Symptom Detection with Text Message Log Distributions for Holistic Depression and Anxiety Screening.
Proc. ACM Interact. Mob. Wearable Ubiquitous Technol.
8 (1) (2024)
Arvind Pillai
Subigya Kumar Nepal
Weichen Wang
Matthew Nemesure
Michael Heinz
George D. Price
Damien Lekkas
Amanda C. Collins
Tess Griffin
Benjamin Buck
Sarah Masud Preum
Trevor Cohen
Nicholas C. Jacobson
Dror Ben-Zeev
Andrew T. Campbell
Investigating Generalizability of Speech-based Suicidal Ideation Detection Using Mobile Phones.
Proc. ACM Interact. Mob. Wearable Ubiquitous Technol.
7 (4) (2023)
M. L. Tlachac
Miranda Reisch
Michael Heinz
Mobile Communication Log Time Series to Detect Depressive Symptoms.
Nico Ebert
Alexander Vogedes
Falk Uebernickel
Walter Brenner
Michael Heinz
Production Planning for IT-Service Providers: An ERP-based Concept.
Michael Heinz
R. Benjamin Knapp
A neural network based classifier for the identification of simple finger motion.