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Michael Foumelis
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2005-2024
Publications (10 Years): 25
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Joint Estimation
Multiview Reconstruction
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Remote. Sens.
ISPRS Int. J. Geo Inf.
IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote. Sens.
Panagiotis Kalaitzis
Michael Foumelis
Antonios Mouratidis
Dimitris Kavroudakis
Nikolaos Soulakellis
Multiscale Visualization of Surface Motion Point Measurements Associated with Persistent Scatterer Interferometry.
ISPRS Int. J. Geo Inf.
13 (7) (2024)
André Burnol
Antoine Armandine Les Landes
Daniel Raucoules
Michael Foumelis
Cécile Allanic
Fabien Paquet
Julie Maury
Hideo Aochi
Théophile Guillon
Mickael Delatre
Pascal Dominique
Adnand Bitri
Simon Lopez
Philippe P. Pébaÿ
Behrooz Bazargan-Sabet
Impacts of Water and Stress Transfers from Ground Surface on the Shallow Earthquake of 11 November 2019 at Le Teil (France).
Remote. Sens.
15 (9) (2023)
Marcello de Michele
Daniel Raucoules
Déborah Idier
Farid Smaï
Michael Foumelis
Correction: de Michele et al. Shallow Bathymetry from Multiple Sentinel 2 Images via the Joint Estimation of Wave Celerity and Wavelength. Remote Sens. 2021, 13, 2149.
Remote. Sens.
15 (17) (2023)
Panagiotis Kalaitzis
Michael Foumelis
Christos Vasilakos
Antonios Mouratidis
Nikolaos Soulakellis
Interactive Web Mapping Applications for 2D and 3D Geo-Visualization of Persistent Scatterer Interferometry SAR Data.
ISPRS Int. J. Geo Inf.
12 (2) (2023)
Michael Foumelis
José Manuel Delgado Blasco
Fabrice Brito
Fabrizio Pacini
Elena Papageorgiou
Panteha Pishehvar
Philippe Bally
SNAPPING Services on the Geohazards Exploitation Platform for Copernicus Sentinel-1 Surface Motion Mapping.
Remote. Sens.
14 (23) (2022)
Michael Foumelis
José Manuel Delgado Blasco
Fabrice Brito
Fabrizio Pacini
Panteha Pishehvar
Snapping for Sentinel-1 Mission on Geohazards Exploitation Platform: An Online Medium Resolution Surface Motion Mapping Service.
Michael Foumelis
Alberto Lorenzo-Alonso
Ross Eisenberg
Ángel Utanda González
Christoph Aubrecht
Philippe Bally
Jan Kolomazník
Vincenzo Massimi
Steven Rubinyi
Francisco Cano Gonzalez
María Encina Aulló-Maestro
Francesco Casu
Fabrizio Pacini
EO4SD Disaster Risk Reduction Terrain Motion Products in Support of the City Resilience Program.
Marcello de Michele
Daniel Raucoules
Déborah Idier
Farid Smaï
Michael Foumelis
Shallow Bathymetry from Multiple Sentinel 2 Images via the Joint Estimation of Wave Celerity and Wavelength.
Remote. Sens.
13 (11) (2021)
Angelo Amodio
Sergio Samarelli
Vincenzo Massimi
Alberto Lorenzo-Alonso
Ángel Utanda González
Michael Foumelis
Floriane Provost
Philippe Bally
Raffaele Nutricato
Davide Oscar Nitti
EO4SD-DRR Earth Observation to Support the Reconstruction and Rehabilitation in the Aftermaths of Tsunami and Earthquake.
Gokhan Aslan
Michael Foumelis
Daniel Raucoules
Marcello de Michele
Séverine Bernard
Ziyadin Çakir
Landslide Mapping and Monitoring Using Persistent Scatterer Interferometry (PSI) Technique in the French Alps.
Remote. Sens.
12 (8) (2020)
Felipe Orellana
José Manuel Delgado Blasco
Michael Foumelis
Peppe J. V. D'Aranno
Maria Marsella
Paola Di Mascio
DInSAR for Road Infrastructure Monitoring: Case Study Highway Network of Rome Metropolitan (Italy).
Remote. Sens.
12 (22) (2020)
José Manuel Delgado Blasco
Michael Foumelis
Chris Stewart
Andrew Hooper
Measuring Urban Subsidence in the Rome Metropolitan Area (Italy) with Sentinel-1 SNAP-StaMPS Persistent Scatterer Interferometry.
Remote. Sens.
11 (2) (2019)
Elena Papageorgiou
Michael Foumelis
Elisa Trasatti
Guido Ventura
Daniel Raucoules
Antonios Mouratidis
Multi-Sensor SAR Geodetic Imaging and Modelling of Santorini Volcano Post-Unrest Response.
Remote. Sens.
11 (3) (2019)
Michael Foumelis
Daniel Raucoules
Bastien Colas
Marcello de Michele
On the Effect of Interferometric Pairs Selection for Measuring Fast Moving Landslides.
Daniel Raucoules
Marcello de Michele
Déborah Idier
Farid Smaï
Michael Foumelis
Faïza Boulahya
Espen Volden
Vivi Drakopoulou
Przemyslaw Mujta
Bathysent - A Method to Retrieve Coastal Bathymetry from Sentinel-2.
Michael Foumelis
Theodora Papadopoulou
Philippe Bally
Fabrizio Pacini
Floriane Provost
Jolanda Patruno
Monitoring Geohazards Using On-Demand And Systematic Services On Esa's Geohazards Exploitation Platform.
Daniel Raucoules
Michael Foumelis
Caterina Negulescu
Marcello de Michele
Bertr Aunay
Fabrizio Tomaro
Landslide Observation from ALOS-2/PALSAR-2 Data (Image Correlation Techniques and Sar Interferometry). Application to Salazie Circle Landslides (La Reunion Island).
Elena Papageorgiou
Michael Foumelis
Antonios Mouratidis
Costas Papazachos
Sentinel-1 Monitoring of Santorini Volcano Post-Unrest State.
Gonéri Le Cozannet
Daniel Raucoules
Marcello de Michele
Abed Benaichouche
Pierre Gehl
Daniel Monfort
Caterina Negulescu
Jérémy Rohmer
Nazzareno Pierdicca
Matteo Albano
Sonia Giovinazzi
Michael Foumelis
Potential of Satellite Remote Sensing to Monitor Vulnerablity of Buildings to Earthquakes Within a Semi-Empirical Macroseismic Approach.
Michael Foumelis
José Manuel Delgado Blasco
Yves-Louis Desnos
Marcus E. Engdahl
Diego Fernández
Luis Veci
Jun Lu
Cecilia Wong
Esa Snap - Stamps Integrated Processing for Sentinel-1 Persistent Scatterer Interferometry.
Pau Prats-Iraola
Matteo Nannini
Nestor Yague-Martinez
Muriel Pinheiro
Jun-Su Kim
Francesco Vecchioli
Federico Minati
Mario Costantini
Sven Borgstrom
Prospero De Martino
Valeria Siniscalchi
Michael Foumelis
Yves-Louis Desnos
Interferometric investigations with the Sentinel-1 constellation.
Fulong Chen
Yuhua Wu
Yimeng Zhang
Issaak S. Parcharidis
Peifeng Ma
Ruya Xiao
Jia Xu
Wei Zhou
Panpan Tang
Michael Foumelis
Surface Motion and Structural Instability Monitoring of Ming Dynasty City Walls by Two-Step Tomo-PSInSAR Approach in Nanjing City, China.
Remote. Sens.
9 (4) (2017)
Yves-Louis Desnos
Michael Foumelis
Marcus E. Engdahl
Pierre-Philippe Mathieu
Francesco Palazzo
Fabrizio Ramoino
Sentinel-1 mission scientific exploitation activities.
Yves-Louis Desnos
Michael Foumelis
Marcus E. Engdahl
Pierre-Philippe Mathieu
Francesco Palazzo
Fabrizio Ramoino
Andy Zmuda
Scientific Exploitation of Sentinel-1 within ESA's SEOM programme element.
Pau Prats-Iraola
Matteo Nannini
Nestor Yague-Martinez
Rolf Scheiber
Federico Minati
Francesco Vecchioli
Mario Costantini
Sven Borgstrom
Prospero De Martino
Valeria Siniscalchi
Thomas R. Walter
Mehdi Nikkhoo
Michael Foumelis
Yves-Louis Desnos
Sentinel-1 tops interferometric time series results and validation.
Pau Prats-Iraola
Matteo Nannini
Rolf Scheiber
Francesco De Zan
Steffen Wollstadt
Federico Minati
Francesco Vecchioli
Mario Costantini
Sven Borgstrom
Prospero De Martino
Valeria Siniscalchi
Thomas R. Walter
Michael Foumelis
Yves-Louis Desnos
Sentinel-1 assessment of the interferometric wide-swath mode.
Vasileios Kalogirou
Paolo Ferrazzoli
Andrea Della Vecchia
Michael Foumelis
On the SAR Backscatter of Burned Forests: A Model-Based Study in C-Band, Over Burned Pine Canopies.
IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote. Sens.
52 (10) (2014)
Elena Papageorgiou
Michael Foumelis
Issaak S. Parcharidis
Long-and Short-Term Deformation Monitoring of Santorini Volcano: Unrest Evidence by DInSAR Analysis.
IEEE J. Sel. Top. Appl. Earth Obs. Remote. Sens.
5 (5) (2012)
Michael Foumelis
Human induced groundwater level declination and physical rebound in northern Athens Basin (Greece) observed by multi-reference DInSAR techniques.
Issaak S. Parcharidis
Sotiris Kokkalas
Ioannis Fountoulis
Michael Foumelis
Detection and Monitoring of Active Faults in Urban Environments: Time Series Interferometry on the Cities of Patras and Pyrgos (Peloponnese, Greece).
Remote. Sens.
1 (4) (2009)
Issaak S. Parcharidis
Michael Foumelis
Vassilis Sakkas
Evangelos Lagios
Deformation monitoring in Kos Island Hellenic volcanic arc, Eastern Greece) using differential interferometry.