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Meihong Zhu
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2006-2023
Publications (10 Years): 14
Top Topics
Influence Factors
Classification Algorithm
College Students
E Government
Top Venues
Int. J. Bifurc. Chaos
Yi Tian
Li Zhao
Meihong Zhu
Dynamic Game of the Dual-Channel Supply Chain Under a Carbon Subsidy Policy.
Meihong Zhu
Living with offspring surely brings happiness to the elderly? - the heterogeneity in the effect of living arrangements on the life satisfaction of the Chinese elderly.
Yi Tian
Li Zhao
Meihong Zhu
Dynamic Game of the Dual-Channel Supply Chain Under a Carbon Subsidy Policy.
Int. J. Bifurc. Chaos
32 (15) (2022)
Aihua Li
Diwen Wang
Meihong Zhu
Service evaluation through FH-entropy method: A framework for the elderly care station.
Concurr. Comput. Pract. Exp.
34 (8) (2022)
Meihong Zhu
Research on Xerophthalmia Prevalence of College Students and Risk Factors.
Meihong Zhu
Aihua Li
The Effect of Media on the Chinese People's Anti-Corruption Perceptions --An Analysis Based on Propensity Score and Qualitative Interaction Tree.
Aihua Li
Diwen Wang
Meihong Zhu
Service Evaluation of Elderly Care Station and Expectations with Big Data.
Meihong Zhu
Aihua Li
Political Attitudes of the Chinese Young People: An Empirical Study Based on Anti-Corruption Issue.
Yifei Guo
Meihong Zhu
Aihua Li
Factor analysis and prediction of crowdfunding project funding ratio: an empirical study based on Zhongchou Wang in China.
Junhai Ma
Hao Ren
Miao Yu
Meihong Zhu
Research on the Complexity and Chaos Control about a Closed-Loop Supply Chain with Dual-Channel Recycling and Uncertain Consumer Perception.
2018 (2018)
Meihong Zhu
Aihua Li
How the Media Coverage Affects Chinese Publics' Anticorruption Perceptions: Empirical Study Based on Interaction Effect Analysis.
Meihong Zhu
Aihua Li
Media guiding effects on public perceptions of the Chinese government anticorruption: evidence from a survey experiment.
Meihong Zhu
Ying Cui
Liang Qian
CC-OffGrid: A content-centric communication system in infrastructure-less mobile environments.
Mengyan Feng
Aihua Li
Jianbing Liu
Meihong Zhu
Aging Cognitive Influence Factors Analysis Based on Propensity Score.
WI Workshops
Meihong Zhu
Jie Song
An Embedded Backward Feature Selection Method for MCLP Classification Algorithm.
Dongling Zhang
Yong Shi
Yingjie Tian
Meihong Zhu
A class of classification and regression methods by multiobjective programming.
Frontiers Comput. Sci. China
3 (2) (2009)
Meihong Zhu
Yong Shi
Aihua Li
Peng Zhang
A Bias-Variance Analysis of Multiple Criteria Linear Programming Classification Ensembles.
Web Intelligence/IAT Workshops
Meihong Zhu
Yong Shi
Aihua Li
Jing He
A Dynamic Committee Scheme on Multiple-Criteria Linear Programming Classification Method.
International Conference on Computational Science (2)
Aihua Li
Yong Shi
Meihong Zhu
Jingran Dai
A Data Mining Approach to Classify Credit Cardholders' Behavior.
ICDM Workshops