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Max Spencer
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2014-2023
Publications (10 Years): 2
Top Topics
Fuzzy Vault
Secret Sharing
Semi Fragile Watermarking
Detect Malicious
Top Venues
Security Protocols Workshop
UbiComp Adjunct
Max Spencer
Shohreh Sheiati
Xiao Chen
AQUADA GUI: A graphical user interface for automated quantification of damages in composite structures under fatigue loading using computer vision and thermography.
22 (2023)
Jeunese A. Payne
Graeme Jenkinson
Frank Stajano
M. Angela Sasse
Max Spencer
Responsibility and Tangible Security: Towards a Theory of User Acceptance of Security Tokens.
Frank Stajano
Bruce Christianson
T. Mark A. Lomas
Graeme Jenkinson
Jeunese A. Payne
Max Spencer
Quentin Stafford-Fraser
Pico Without Public Keys.
Security Protocols Workshop
Quentin Stafford-Fraser
Graeme Jenkinson
Frank Stajano
Max Spencer
Chris Warrington
Jeunese A. Payne
To have and have not: variations on secret sharing to model user presence.
UbiComp Adjunct
Frank Stajano
Max Spencer
Graeme Jenkinson
Quentin Stafford-Fraser
Password-Manager Friendly (PMF): Semantic Annotations to Improve the Effectiveness of Password Managers.
Max Spencer
Relay Attacks on Visual Code Authentication Schemes (Transcript of Discussion).
Security Protocols Workshop
Graeme Jenkinson
Max Spencer
Chris Warrington
Frank Stajano
I Bought a New Security Token and All I Got Was This Lousy Phish - Relay Attacks on Visual Code Authentication Schemes.
Security Protocols Workshop
Frank Stajano
Graeme Jenkinson
Jeunese A. Payne
Max Spencer
Quentin Stafford-Fraser
Chris Warrington
Bootstrapping Adoption of the Pico Password Replacement System.
Security Protocols Workshop