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Matthias Heinrich
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2007-2014
Publications (10 Years): 0
Top Topics
End Users
Web Application Development
Web Applications
Top Venues
Sci. Comput. Program.
Matthias Heinrich
Franz Lehmann
Franz Josef Grüneberger
Martin Gaedke
Thomas Springer
Alexander Schill
Enriching single-user web applications non-invasively with shared editing support.
Sci. Comput. Program.
94 (2014)
Matthias Heinrich
Franz Lehmann
Franz Josef Grüneberger
Thomas Springer
Martin Gaedke
Analyzing the suitability of web applications for a single-user to multi-user transformation.
WWW (Companion Volume)
Matthias Heinrich
Franz Josef Grüneberger
Thomas Springer
Martin Gaedke
Exploiting annotations for the rapid development of collaborative web applications.
Matthias Heinrich
Franz Josef Grüneberger
Thomas Springer
Philipp Hauer
Martin Gaedke
GAwI: A Comprehensive Workspace Awareness Library for Collaborative Web Applications.
Matthias Heinrich
Franz Josef Grüneberger
Thomas Springer
Martin Gaedke
Reusable Awareness Widgets for Collaborative Web Applications - A Non-invasive Approach.
Matthias Heinrich
Martin Gaedke
Data binding for standard-based web applications.
Matthias Heinrich
Franz Lehmann
Thomas Springer
Martin Gaedke
Exploiting single-user web applications for shared editing: a generic transformation approach.
Matthias Heinrich
Franz Josef Grüneberger
Thomas Springer
Martin Gaedke
Enriching Web Applications with Collaboration Support Using Dependency Injection.
Matthias Heinrich
Martin Gaedke
WebSoDa: A Tailored Data Binding Framework for Web Programmers Leveraging the WebSocket Protocol and HTML5 Microdata.
Arne Schramm
André Preußner
Matthias Heinrich
Lars Vogel
Rapid UI Development for Enterprise Applications: Combining Manual and Model-Driven Techniques.
MoDELS (1)
Matthias Heinrich
Antje Boehm-Peters
Martin Knechtel
A platform to automatically generate and incorporate documents into an ontology-based content repository.
ACM Symposium on Document Engineering
Gregor Scheithauer
Konrad Voigt
Veli Bicer
Matthias Heinrich
Anja Strunk
Matthias Winkler
Integrated service engineering workbench: service engineering for digital ecosystems.
Matthias Winkler
Matthias Heinrich
Alex Behring
Joachim Steinmetz
Waltenegus Dargie
EMODE - ein Ansatz zur werkzeugunterstützten Modellierung multimodaler, adaptiver Benutzerschnittstellen.
GI Jahrestagung (1)
Matthias Heinrich
Matthias Winkler
Hagen Steidelmüller
Manuel Zabelt
Alex Behring
René Neumerkel
Anja Strunk
MDA Applied: A Task-Model Driven Tool Chain for Multimodal Applications.
Alexander Behring
Matthias Heinrich
Matthias Winkler
Waltenegus Dargie
EMODE - Modellgetriebene Entwicklung multimodaler, kontextsensitiver Anwendungen (EMODE - Model-driven Development of Multimodal, Context Sensitive Applications).
6 (3) (2007)