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Matej Antol
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2016-2024
Publications (10 Years): 13
Top Topics
Learned Metric
Top Venues
Inf. Syst.
Matej Antol
Jiri Marek
Michaela Capandova
Jaroslav Juracek
Ludek Matyska
EOSC CZ: Towards the development of Czech national ecosystem for FAIR research data.
Lukas Daubner
Raimundas Matulevicius
Barbora Buhnova
Matej Antol
Michal Ruzicka
Tomás Pitner
A Case Study on the Impact of Forensic-Ready Information Systems on the Security Posture.
Terézia Slanináková
David Procházka
Matej Antol
Jaroslav Olha
Vlastislav Dohnal
SISAP 2023 Indexing Challenge - Learned Metric Index.
Terézia Slanináková
Matej Antol
Jaroslav Olha
Vlastislav Dohnal
Susana Ladra
Miguel A. Martínez-Prieto
Reproducible experiments with Learned Metric Index Framework.
Inf. Syst.
118 (2023)
Jaroslav Olha
Terézia Slanináková
Martin Gendiar
Matej Antol
Vlastislav Dohnal
Learned Indexing in Proteins: Substituting Complex Distance Calculations with Embedding and Clustering Techniques.
Jaroslav Olha
Terézia Slanináková
Martin Gendiar
Matej Antol
Vlastislav Dohnal
Learned Indexing in Proteins: Substituting Complex Distance Calculations with Embedding and Clustering Techniques.
Terézia Slanináková
Matej Antol
Jaroslav OIha
Vojtech Kana
Vlastislav Dohnal
Data-Driven Learned Metric Index: An Unsupervised Approach.
Matej Antol
Miriama Jánosová
Vlastislav Dohnal
Metric hull as similarity-aware operator for representing unstructured data.
Pattern Recognit. Lett.
149 (2021)
Matej Antol
Jaroslav Olha
Terézia Slanináková
Vlastislav Dohnal
Learned Metric Index - Proposition of learned indexing for unstructured data.
Inf. Syst.
100 (2021)
Matej Antol
Vlastislav Dohnal
BM-index: Balanced Metric Space Index Based on Weighted Voronoi Partitioning.
Matej Antol
Vlastislav Dohnal
Towards Artificial Priority Queues for Similarity Query Execution.
ICDE Workshops
Matej Antol
Vlastislav Dohnal
Popularity-Based Ranking for Fast Approximate kNN Search.
28 (1) (2017)
Matej Antol
Vlastislav Dohnal
Optimizing Query Performance with Inverted Cache in Metric Spaces.