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Marnie E. Shaw
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2002-2022
Publications (10 Years): 12
Top Topics
Temporal Lobe Epilepsy
Distribution Network
State Estimation
Physical Activity
Top Venues
Louise Bardwell
Lachlan Blackhall
Marnie E. Shaw
Emissions and prices are anti-correlated in Australia: what this means for the decarbonisation of our grid.
Björn C. P. Sturmberg
Marnie E. Shaw
Chathurika P. Mediwaththe
H. Ransan-Cooper
B. Weise
M. Thomas
Lachlan Blackhall
A symbiotic relationship: the feasibility of community-scale energy storage deployed with local network tariffs.
Shubhankar Kapoor
Lachlan Blackhall
Bjorn Sturnaberg
Marnie E. Shaw
Distribution System State Estimation With Losses.
Shubhankar Kapoor
Lachlan Blackhall
Björn C. P. Sturmberg
Marnie E. Shaw
Distribution System State Estimation with Losses in Radial MV and LV Networks.
Chathurika P. Mediwaththe
Marnie E. Shaw
Saman K. Halgamuge
David B. Smith
Paul Scott
An Incentive-compatible Energy Trading Framework for Neighborhood Area Networks with Shared Energy Storage.
Masoume Mahmoodi
Marnie E. Shaw
Lachlan Blackhall
Voltage Behaviour and Distribution Network Performance with Community Energy Storage Systems and High PV Uptake.
Nanduni I. Nimalsiri
Chathurika P. Mediwaththe
Elizabeth L. Ratnam
Marnie E. Shaw
David B. Smith
Saman K. Halgamuge
A Survey of Algorithms for Distributed Charging Control of Electric Vehicles in Smart Grid.
IEEE Trans. Intell. Transp. Syst.
21 (11) (2020)
Joseph M. Northey
Ben Rattray
Kate L. Pumpa
Disa J. Pryor
Mark A. Fraser
Marnie E. Shaw
Kaarin J. Anstey
Nicolas Cherbuin
Objectively measured physical activity is associated with dorsolateral prefrontal cortex volume in older adults.
221 (2020)
Marnie E. Shaw
Björn C. P. Sturmberg
Lin Guo
Xinyu Gao
Elizabeth L. Ratnam
Lachlan Blackhall
The NextGen Energy Storage trial in the ACT, Australia.
Rajith Vidanaarachchi
Marnie E. Shaw
Saman K. Halgamuge
Exploring Computational Inference of Microbial Interactions and their Dynamics.
Nanduni I. Nimalsiri
Chathurika P. Mediwaththe
Elizabeth L. Ratnam
Marnie E. Shaw
David B. Smith
Saman K. Halgamuge
A Survey of Algorithms for Distributed Charging Control of Electric Vehicles in Smart Grid.
Sidhant Chopra
Marnie E. Shaw
Thomas Shaw
Perminder S. Sachdev
Kaarin Anstey
Nicolas Cherbuin
More highly myelinated white matter tracts are associated with faster processing speed in healthy adults.
171 (2018)
Mark A. Fraser
Marnie E. Shaw
Nicolas Cherbuin
A systematic review and meta-analysis of longitudinal hippocampal atrophy in healthy human ageing.
112 (2015)
Marnie E. Shaw
Matti S. Hämäläinen
Alexander Gutschalk
How anatomical asymmetry of human auditory cortex can lead to a rightward bias in auditory evoked fields.
74 (2013)
Ben J. Harrison
Marnie E. Shaw
Murat Yücel
Rosemary Purcell
Warrick J. Brewer
Stephen C. Strother
Gary F. Egan
James S. Olver
Pradeep J. Nathan
Christos Pantelis
Functional connectivity during Stroop task performance.
24 (1) (2005)
Anthony B. Waites
Marnie E. Shaw
Regula S. Briellmann
Angelo Labate
David F. Abbott
Graeme D. Jackson
How reliable are fMRI-EEG studies of epilepsy? A nonparametric approach to analysis validation and optimization.
24 (1) (2005)
Marnie E. Shaw
Stephen C. Strother
Maria Gavrilescu
Katherine Podzebenko
Anthony B. Waites
John D. G. Watson
Jon R. Anderson
Graeme D. Jackson
Gary F. Egan
Evaluating subject specific preprocessing choices in multisubject fMRI data sets using data-driven performance metrics.
19 (3) (2003)
Marnie E. Shaw
Stephen C. Strother
Alexander C. McFarlane
Philip Morris
Jon R. Anderson
C. Richard Clark
Gary F. Egan
Abnormal Functional Connectivity in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder.
15 (3) (2002)
Maria Gavrilescu
Marnie E. Shaw
Geoffrey W. Stuart
Peter Eckersley
Imants D. Svalbe
Gary F. Egan
Simulation of the Effects of Global Normalization Procedures in Functional MRI.
17 (2) (2002)