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Maria G. Buey
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2013-2015
Publications (10 Years): 0
Top Topics
Automatic Query Expansion
Semantic Tagging
Geographical Data
Top Venues
WEBIST (Revised Selected Papers)
WWW (Companion Volume)
Ángel Luís Garrido
Pilar Blazquez
Maria G. Buey
Sergio Ilarri
Knowledge Obtention Combining Information Extraction Techniques with Linked Data.
WWW (Companion Volume)
Ángel Luís Garrido
Maria G. Buey
Sergio Ilarri
Igor Furstner
Livia Szedmina
KGNR: A knowledge-based geographical news recommender.
Ángel L. Garrido
Maria G. Buey
Sandra Escudero
Álvaro Peiró
Sergio Ilarri
Eduardo Mena
The GENIE System: Classifying Documents by Combining Mixed-Techniques.
WEBIST (Revised Selected Papers)
Maria G. Buey
Ángel Luís Garrido
Sergio Ilarri
An Approach for Automatic Query Expansion Based on NLP and Semantics.
DEXA (2)
Ángel Luís Garrido
Maria G. Buey
Sandra Escudero
Sergio Ilarri
Eduardo Mena
Sara B. Silveira
TM-Gen: A Topic Map Generator from Text Documents.
Ángel Luís Garrido
Maria G. Buey
Sergio Ilarri
Eduardo Mena
GEO-NASS: A Semantic Tagging Experience from Geographical Data on the Media.