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Maria Azees
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2015-2024
Publications (10 Years): 27
Top Topics
Authentication Scheme
Privacy Preserving
Secure Communication
Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
Top Venues
IEEE Access
IEEE Trans. Intell. Transp. Syst.
Secur. Commun. Networks
IEEE Trans. Ind. Informatics
Subramani Jegadeesan
Maria Azees
Arun Sekar Rajasekaran
Amer Aljaedi
Zaid Bassfar
Sajjad Shaukat Jamal
Blockchain-Enabled Secure Data Collection Scheme for Fog-Based WBAN.
IEEE Access
12 (2024)
Subramani Jegadeesan
Maria Azees
Arun Sekar Rajasekaran
Babji Prasad Chapa
Mutual and Batch Authentication With Conditional Privacy-Preserving Scheme for V2G Communication System.
IEEE Access
12 (2024)
Arun Sekar Rajasekaran
L. Sowmiya
Maria Azees
R. Kannadasan
A survey on exploring the challenges and applications of wireless body area networks (WBANs).
Cyber Secur. Appl.
2 (2024)
Subramani Jegadeesan
Maria Azees
Sivaraman Audithan
Pandi Vijayakumar
Fayez Alqahtani
Amr Tolba
An efficient anonymous authentication scheme for blockchain assisted and fog-enabled smart grid.
Comput. Electr. Eng.
119 (2024)
Arun Sekar Rajasekaran
Maria Azees
A fog-based anonymous authentication scheme with location privacy for wireless body area network with FPGA implementation.
Int. J. Inf. Sec.
23 (1) (2024)
A. Priyadharshini
Suresh Dannana
Arun Sekar Rajasekaran
Maria Azees
An efficient key agreement and anonymous privacy preserving scheme for vehicular ad-hoc networks with handover authentication.
Concurr. Comput. Pract. Exp.
36 (7) (2024)
Jegadeesan Subramani
Maria Azees
Arun Sekar Rajasekaran
Jaime Lloret
Physically secure and privacy-preserving blockchain enabled authentication scheme for internet of drones.
Secur. Priv.
7 (3) (2024)
Jegadeesan Subramani
Maria Azees
Arun Sekar Rajasekaran
Fadi M. Al-Turjman
EPF-FDA: Efficient Pairing Free and Confidentiality Preserving Fog-Based Data Aggregation Scheme for WBANs.
IEEE Instrum. Meas. Mag.
26 (8) (2023)
Subramani Jegadeesan
Maria Azees
Arun Sekar Rajasekaran
Fadi M. Al-Turjman
Mahesh G.
Blockchain-Based Physically Secure and Privacy-Aware Anonymous Authentication Scheme for Fog-Based Vanets.
IEEE Access
11 (2023)
Arun Sekar Rajasekaran
Maria Azees
Fadi M. Al-Turjman
A comprehensive survey on security issues in vehicle-to-grid networks.
J. Control. Decis.
10 (2) (2023)
Arun Sekar Rajasekaran
Maria Azees
Maheswar Rajagopal
Josip Lorincz
Blockchain Enabled Anonymous Privacy-Preserving Authentication Scheme for Internet of Health Things.
23 (1) (2023)
Subramani Jegadeesan
Mohammad S. Obaidat
Pandi Vijayakumar
Maria Azees
Marimuthu Karuppiah
Efficient privacy-preserving anonymous authentication scheme for human predictive online education system.
Clust. Comput.
25 (4) (2022)
Subramani Jegadeesan
Mohammad S. Obaidat
Pandi Vijayakumar
Maria Azees
SEAT: Secure and Energy Efficient Anonymous Authentication With Trajectory Privacy-Preserving Scheme for Marine Traffic Management.
IEEE Trans. Green Commun. Netw.
6 (2) (2022)
Arun Sekar Rajasekaran
Maria Azees
An Anonymous Blockchain-Based Authentication Scheme for Secure Healthcare Applications.
Secur. Commun. Networks
2022 (2022)
Pandi Vijayakumar
Maria Azees
Sergei A. Kozlov
Joel J. P. C. Rodrigues
An Anonymous Batch Authentication and Key Exchange Protocols for 6G Enabled VANETs.
IEEE Trans. Intell. Transp. Syst.
23 (2) (2022)
Subramani Jegadeesan
Maria Azees
Arun Sekar Rajasekaran
Fadi Al-Turjman
Lightweight Privacy and Confidentiality Preserving Anonymous Authentication Scheme for WBANs.
IEEE Trans. Ind. Informatics
18 (5) (2022)
Subramani Jegadeesan
Maria Azees
Ramesh Babu Neelakandan
Arun Sekar Rajasekaran
Efficient anonymous authentication scheme for automatic dependent surveillance-broadcast system with batch verification.
IET Commun.
15 (9) (2021)
Maria Azees
Pandi Vijayakumar
Lazarus Jegatha Deborah
Marimuthu Karuppiah
Mary Subaja Christo
BBAAS: Blockchain-Based Anonymous Authentication Scheme for Providing Secure Communication in VANETs.
Secur. Commun. Networks
2021 (2021)
Maria Azees
Pandi Vijayakumar
Marimuthu Karuppiah
Anand Nayyar
An efficient anonymous authentication and confidentiality preservation schemes for secure communications in wireless body area networks.
Wirel. Networks
27 (3) (2021)
Subramani Jegadeesan
Dhamodaran Muneeswaran
Maria Azees
Murugan Arunachalam
N. Ramesh Babu
EPPAS: Energy-efficient privacy-preserving and physically secure mutual authentication scheme for secure communication in smart grid systems.
Int. J. Commun. Syst.
34 (8) (2021)
Atif Iqbal
Arun Sekar Rajasekaran
Gadilli Sai Nikhil
Maria Azees
A Secure and Decentralized Blockchain Based EV Energy Trading Model Using Smart Contract in V2G Network.
IEEE Access
9 (2021)
Pandi Vijayakumar
Mohammad S. Obaidat
Maria Azees
SK Hafizul Islam
Neeraj Kumar
Efficient and Secure Anonymous Authentication With Location Privacy for IoT-Based WBANs.
IEEE Trans. Ind. Informatics
16 (4) (2020)
Subramani Jegadeesan
Maria Azees
N. Ramesh Babu
Umashankar Subramaniam
Dhafer Al-Makhles
EPAW: Efficient Privacy Preserving Anonymous Mutual Authentication Scheme for Wireless Body Area Networks (WBANs).
IEEE Access
8 (2020)
Maria Azees
Reply to Comments on "Dual Authentication and Key Management Techniques for Secure Data Transmission in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks".
IEEE Trans. Intell. Transp. Syst.
20 (9) (2019)
Pandi Vijayakumar
Maria Azees
Victor I. Chang
L. Jegatha Deborah
Balamurugan Balusamy
Computationally efficient privacy preserving authentication and key distribution techniques for vehicular ad hoc networks.
Clust. Comput.
20 (3) (2017)
Maria Azees
Pandi Vijayakumar
Lazarus Jegatha Deborah
EAAP: Efficient Anonymous Authentication With Conditional Privacy-Preserving Scheme for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks.
IEEE Trans. Intell. Transp. Syst.
18 (9) (2017)
Pandi Vijayakumar
Maria Azees
Arputharaj Kannan
Lazarus Jegatha Deborah
Dual Authentication and Key Management Techniques for Secure Data Transmission in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks.
IEEE Trans. Intell. Transp. Syst.
17 (4) (2016)
Pandi Vijayakumar
Maria Azees
L. Jegatha Deborah
CPAV: Computationally Efficient Privacy Preserving Anonymous Authentication Scheme for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks.