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Marco Seregni
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2014-2018
Publications (10 Years): 4
Top Topics
Arrival Rate
Requirements Engineering
Certainty Factor
Service Systems
Top Venues
APMS (3)
APMS (2)
Amir Pirayesh
Guy Doumeingts
Marco Seregni
Sergio Gusmeroli
Ingo Westphal
Lara Gonzalez
Carl Hans
María José Núñez Ariño
Alessandro Canepa Eugenio
Andoni Laskurain
Conceptual Framework for Product Service Systems.
6 (2) (2018)
Stefan Wiesner
Marco Seregni
Mike Freitag
Jannicke Baalsrud Hauge
Annalaura Silvestro
Klaus-Dieter Thoben
Effects of Environmental Dynamicity on Requirements Engineering for Complex Systems.
APMS (1)
Marco Seregni
Claudio Sassanelli
Daniele Cerri
Christiano Zanetti
Sergio Terzi
The impact of IoT technologies on product-oriented PSS: The "home delivery" service case.
Ingo Westphal
Klaus-Dieter Thoben
Marco Seregni
Evaluating potential Business Models for innovative Product Service Systems : Transparency regarding the relation to existing business.
Cristiano Zanetti
Marco Seregni
Massimo Bianchini
Marco Taisch
A production system model for Mini-Factories and last mile production approach.
Marco Seregni
David Opresnik
Christian Zanetti
Marco Taisch
Fred Voorhorst
Mini Factory: A Successful Model for European Furniture Industry?
APMS (3)
David Opresnik
Marco Seregni
Marco Taisch
The Cornerstone of Sustainability Strategy in Manufacturing Enterprises.
APMS (2)