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Marcel Köpke
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2013-2020
Publications (10 Years): 4
Top Topics
Sleep Apnea
Top Venues
HCI (6)
Rainer Schlund
Johannes Riesterer
Marcel Köpke
Michal Kowalski
Paul Tremper
Matthias Budde
Michael Beigl
Calibration of Low-Cost Particulate Matter Sensors with Elastic Weight Consolidation (EWC) as an Incremental Deep Learning Method.
Matthias Budde
Simon Leiner
Marcel Köpke
Johannes Riesterer
Till Riedel
Michael Beigl
FeinPhone: Low-cost Smartphone Camera-based 2D Particulate Matter Sensor.
19 (3) (2019)
Tobias Röddiger
Michael Beigl
Marcel Köpke
Matthias Budde
VOCNEA: sleep apnea and hypopnea detection using a novel tiny gas sensor.
Stefan Hinterreiter
Matthias Budde
Klaus Schäfer
Johannes Riesterer
Till Riedel
Marcel Köpke
Josef Cyrys
Stefan Emeis
Thomas Gratza
Marcus Hank
Andreas Philipp
Erik Petersen
Johanna Redelstein
Jürgen Schnelle-Kreis
Duick Young
SmartAQnet - neuer smarter Weg zur räumlichen Erfassung von FeinstaubSmartAQnet - New Smart Way for Spatial Detection of Fine Dust.
AGIT Journal Angew. Geoinformatik
4 (2018)
Matthias Budde
Marcel Köpke
Michael Beigl
Robust in-situ data reconstruction from poisson noise for low-cost, mobile, non-expert environmental sensing.
Matthias Budde
Till Riedel
Marcel Köpke
Matthias Berning
Michael Beigl
A Comparative Study to Evaluate the Usability of Context-Based Wi-Fi Access Mechanisms.
HCI (6)
Matthias Budde
Marcel Köpke
Matthias Berning
Till Riedel
Michael Beigl
Using a 2DST waveguide for usable, physically constrained out-of-band Wi-Fi authentication.