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Marc Zebisch
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2009-2019
Publications (10 Years): 12
Top Topics
Soil Moisture
Dynamic Integration
Sar Imagery
Top Venues
Remote. Sens.
IEEE J. Sel. Top. Appl. Earth Obs. Remote. Sens.
Michele Torresani
Duccio Rocchini
Ruth Sonnenschein
Marc Zebisch
Matteo Marcantonio
Carlo Ricotta
Giustino Tonon
Estimating tree species diversity from space in an alpine conifer forest: The Rao's Q diversity index meets the spectral variation hypothesis.
Ecol. Informatics
52 (2019)
Laura Stendardi
Stein Rune Karlsen
Georg Niedrist
Renato Gerdol
Marc Zebisch
Mattia Rossi
Claudia Notarnicola
Exploiting Time Series of Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Imagery to Detect Meadow Phenology in Mountain Regions.
Remote. Sens.
11 (5) (2019)
Ludovica De Gregorio
Mattia Callegari
Carlo Marin
Marc Zebisch
Lorenzo Bruzzone
Begüm Demir
Ulrich Strasser
Thomas Marke
Daniel Günther
Rudi Nadalet
Claudia Notarnicola
A Novel Data Fusion Technique for Snow Cover Retrieval.
IEEE J. Sel. Top. Appl. Earth Obs. Remote. Sens.
12 (8) (2019)
Mattia Rossi
Georg Niedrist
Sarah Asam
Giustino Tonon
Enrico Tomelleri
Marc Zebisch
A Comparison of the Signal from Diverse Optical Sensors for Monitoring Alpine Grassland Dynamics.
Remote. Sens.
11 (3) (2019)
Ludovica De Gregorio
Daniel Günther
Mattia Callegari
Ulrich Strasser
Marc Zebisch
Lorenzo Bruzzone
Claudia Notarnicola
Improving SWE Estimation by Fusion of Snow Models with Topographic and Remotely Sensed Data.
Remote. Sens.
11 (17) (2019)
Sarah Asam
Mattia Callegari
Michael Matiu
Giuseppe Fiore
Ludovica De Gregorio
Alexander W. Jacob
Annette Menzel
Marc Zebisch
Claudia Notarnicola
Relationship between Spatiotemporal Variations of Climate, Snow Cover and Plant Phenology over the Alps - An Earth Observation-Based Analysis.
Remote. Sens.
10 (11) (2018)
Mattia Rossi
Georg Niedrist
Sarah Asam
Giustino Tonon
Marc Zebisch
Optical Responses on Multiple Spatial Scales for Assessing Vegetation Dynamics - A Case Study for Alpine Grasslands.
Carlo Marin
Mattia Callegari
Claudia Notarnicola
Marc Zebisch
Daniel Günther
Thomas Marke
Ulrich Strasser
Giacomo Bertoldi
Lorenzo Bruzzone
A Model Driven Approach for Snow Wetness Retrieval with Sentinel-l.
Mattia Callegari
Carlo Marin
Daniel Günther
Philipp Rastner
Lorenzo Bruzzone
Begüm Demir
Thomas Marke
Ulrich Strasser
Marc Zebisch
Claudia Notarnicola
Integration of Remote Sensing with A Hydroclimatological Model for an Improved Monitoring of Alpine Glaciers.
Ludovica De Gregorio
Mattia Callegari
Carlo Marin
Marc Zebisch
Lorenzo Bruzzone
Begüm Demir
Ulrich Strasser
Daniel Günther
Thomas Marke
Claudia Notarnicola
A Novel Data Fusion Technique for Snow Parameter Retrieval.
Sarah Asam
Mattia Callegari
Ludovica De Gregorio
Alexander W. Jacob
Claudia Notarnicola
Marc Zebisch
Michael Matiu
Annette Menzel
Giuseppe Fiore
Spatiotemporal variations of alpine climate, snow cover and phenology.
Katarzyna Ewa Lewinska
Eva Ivits
Mathias Schardt
Marc Zebisch
Alpine Forest Drought Monitoring in South Tyrol: PCA Based Synergy between scPDSI Data and MODIS Derived NDVI and NDII7 Time Series.
Remote. Sens.
8 (8) (2016)
Anastasia Polychronaki
Nadine Spindler
Alexander Schmidt
Barbara Stoinschek
Marc Zebisch
Kathrin Renner
Ruth Sonnenschein
Claudia Notarnicola
Integrating RapidEye and ancillary data to map alpine habitats in South Tyrol, Italy.
Int. J. Appl. Earth Obs. Geoinformation
37 (2015)
Luca Pasolli
Claudia Notarnicola
Giacomo Bertoldi
Lorenzo Bruzzone
Ruben Remelgado
Felix Greifeneder
Georg Niedrist
Stefano Della Chiesa
Ulrike Tappeiner
Marc Zebisch
Estimation of Soil Moisture in Mountain Areas Using SVR Technique Applied to Multiscale Active Radar Images at C-Band.
IEEE J. Sel. Top. Appl. Earth Obs. Remote. Sens.
8 (1) (2015)
Claudia Notarnicola
Luca Pasolli
Giovanni Cuozzo
Felix Greifeneder
Giacomo Bertoldi
Stefano Della Chiesa
Georg Niedrist
Davide Castelletti
Ulrike Tappeiner
Lorenzo Bruzzone
Marc Zebisch
Temporal and spatial soil moisture dynamics in mountain meadows by integrating Radarsat 2 images and ground data.
Claudia Notarnicola
Raffaella Ratti
Vito Maddalena
Thomas Schellenberger
Bartolomeo Ventura
Marc Zebisch
Seasonal Snow Cover Mapping in Alpine Areas Through Time Series of COSMO-SkyMed Images.
IEEE Geosci. Remote. Sens. Lett.
10 (4) (2013)
Iftikhar Ali
Christian Schuster
Marc Zebisch
Michael Förster
Birgit Kleinschmit
Claudia Notarnicola
First Results of Monitoring Nature Conservation Sites in Alpine Region by Using Very High Resolution (VHR) X-Band SAR Data.
IEEE J. Sel. Top. Appl. Earth Obs. Remote. Sens.
6 (5) (2013)
Claudia Notarnicola
Martial Duguay
Nico Mölg
Thomas Schellenberger
Anke Tetzlaff
Roberto Monsorno
Armin Costa
Christian Steurer
Marc Zebisch
Snow Cover Maps from MODIS Images at 250 m Resolution, Part 1: Algorithm Description.
Remote. Sens.
5 (1) (2013)
Luca Pasolli
Giacomo Bertoldi
Stefano Della Chiesa
Georg Niedrist
Ulrike Tappeiner
Marc Zebisch
Claudia Notarnicola
Multi-source and multi-scale soil moisture dynamic modelling in mountain meadows.
Claudia Notarnicola
Martial Duguay
Nico Mölg
Thomas Schellenberger
Anke Tetzlaff
Roberto Monsorno
Armin Costa
Christian Steurer
Marc Zebisch
Snow Cover Maps from MODIS Images at 250 m Resolution, Part 2: Validation.
Remote. Sens.
5 (4) (2013)
Thomas Schellenberger
Bartolomeo Ventura
Marc Zebisch
Claudia Notarnicola
Wet Snow Cover Mapping Algorithm Based on Multitemporal COSMO-SkyMed X-Band SAR Images.
IEEE J. Sel. Top. Appl. Earth Obs. Remote. Sens.
5 (3) (2012)
Luca Pasolli
Claudia Notarnicola
Lorenzo Bruzzone
Giacomo Bertoldi
Marc Zebisch
Mapping spatial and temporal patterns of soil moisture with ASAR imagery in the Alps.
Luca Pasolli
Mattia Callegari
Claudia Notarnicola
Lorenzo Bruzzone
Marc Zebisch
Integration of X-band SAR and optical thermal data for retrieving snowpack parameters in mountain areas.
Claudia Notarnicola
Thomas Schellenberger
Bartolomeo Ventura
Marc Zebisch
Vito Maddalena
Raffaella Ratti
Maria Lucia Tampellini
Time series analysis of dual-pol COSMO-SkyMed images for monitoring snow cover in alpine areas.
Claudia Notarnicola
Francesca Di Giuseppe
Luca Pasolli
Marouane Temimi
Bartolomeo Ventura
Marc Zebisch
A synergetic use of observations from modis, SEVIRI MSG, ASAR and AMSR-E to infer a daily soil moisture index.
Thomas Schellenberger
Bartolomeo Ventura
Claudia Notarnicola
Marc Zebisch
Thomas Nagler
Helmut Rott
Exploitation of Cosmo-Skymed image time series for snow monitoring in alpine regions.
Bartolomeo Ventura
Thomas Schellenberger
Claudia Notarnicola
Marc Zebisch
Vito Maddalena
Raffaella Ratti
Maria Lucia Tampellini
Jinyang Du
Analysis of snow changes in alpine regions with X-band data: electromagnetic analysis and snow cover mapping.
Steve Kass
Claudia Notarnicola
Marc Zebisch
Identification of orchards and vineyards with different texture-based measurements by using an object-oriented classification approach.
Int. J. Geogr. Inf. Sci.
25 (6) (2011)
Luca Pasolli
Claudia Notarnicola
Lorenzo Bruzzone
Giacomo Bertoldi
Georg Niedrist
Ulrike Tappeiner
Marc Zebisch
Fabio Del Frate
Gaia Vaglio Laurin
Spatial and temporal mapping of soil moisture content with polarimetric RADARSAT 2 SAR imagery in the Alpine area.
Christian Steurer
Claudia Notarnicola
Roberto Monsorno
Armin Costa
Anke Tetzlaff
Sebastian Geidel
Marc Zebisch
EOMOUNT - A satellite data based near-realtime observing system at local/regional scale.
Luca Pasolli
Claudia Notarnicola
Lorenzo Bruzzone
Giacomo Bertoldi
Georg Niedrist
Ulrike Tappeiner
Marc Zebisch
Fabio Del Frate
Gaia Vaglio Laurin
Comparison of L and C band polarimetric SAR data for the retrieval of soil moisture in the Alps.
Luca Pasolli
Claudia Notarnicola
Lorenzo Bruzzone
Giacomo Bertoldi
Georg Niedrist
U. Tappainer
Marc Zebisch
Fabio Del Frate
Gaia Vaglio Laurin
Analysis of polarimetric RADARSAT2 images for soil moisture retrieval in an alpine catchment.
Claudia Notarnicola
Bartolomeo Ventura
Luca Pasolli
Francesca Di Giuseppe
Marc Zebisch
Towards an operational daily soil moisutre index derived from combination of MODIS, ASAR and AMSR-E data.
Claudia Notarnicola
Annett Frick
Steve Kass
Philipp Rastner
Giuseppe Pulighe
Marc Zebisch
Semiautomatic Classification Procedure for Updating Landuse Maps with High Resolution Optical Images.