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Mao Wu
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2012-2019
Publications (10 Years): 3
Top Topics
Finding Frequent Itemsets
Apriori Algorithm
Rule Generation
Association Rules
Top Venues
Mao Wu
Qingxiang Cai
Tao Shang
Assessing the suitability of imperialist competitive algorithm for the predicting aims: an engineering case.
Eng. Comput.
35 (2) (2019)
Mao Wu
Hiroshi Sakai
On Parallelization of the NIS-apriori Algorithm for Data Mining.
Hiroshi Sakai
Mao Wu
Naoto Yamaguchi
Michinori Nakata
Granules for association rules and decision support in the getRNIA system.
Intell. Decis. Technol.
9 (4) (2015)
Hiroshi Sakai
Mao Wu
Michinori Nakata
Apriori-Based Rule Generation in Incomplete Information Databases and Non-Deterministic Information Systems.
Fundam. Informaticae
130 (3) (2014)
Hiroshi Sakai
Mao Wu
Naoto Yamaguchi
A survey and perspective connected with rough non-deterministic information analysis.
Int. J. Comput. Intell. Stud.
3 (2/3) (2014)
Hiroshi Sakai
Mao Wu
Naoto Yamaguchi
Chenxi Liu
Michinori Nakata
Reconsideration of rules in tables with non-deterministic data.
Mao Wu
Michinori Nakata
Hiroshi Sakai
Two Rough Set-based Software Tools for Analyzing Non-Deterministic Data.
Int. J. Rough Sets Data Anal.
1 (1) (2014)
Naoto Yamaguchi
Mao Wu
Michinori Nakata
Hiroshi Sakai
Application of Rough Set-Based Information Analysis to Questionnaire Data.
J. Adv. Comput. Intell. Intell. Informatics
18 (6) (2014)
Hiroshi Sakai
Mao Wu
Naoto Yamaguchi
On the Definability of a Set and Rough Set-Based Rule Generation.
Hiroshi Sakai
Mao Wu
The Completeness of NIS-Apriori Algorithm and a Software Tool GetRNIA.
Mao Wu
Naoto Yamaguchi
Chenxi Liu
Hiroshi Sakai
Toward the enhancement of the getRNIA system for rough-set based data analysis.
Hiroshi Sakai
Mao Wu
Michinori Nakata
Division Charts as Granules and Their Merging Algorithm for Rule Generation in Nondeterministic Data.
Int. J. Intell. Syst.
28 (9) (2013)
Hiroshi Sakai
Mao Wu
Naoto Yamaguchi
Michinori Nakata
Non-deterministic Information in Rough Sets: A Survey and Perspective.
Mao Wu
Michinori Nakata
Hiroshi Sakai
An Overview of the getRNIA System for Non-deterministic Data.
Hiroshi Sakai
Mao Wu
Naoto Yamaguchi
Michinori Nakata
Rough Set-Based Information Dilution by Non-deterministic Information.
Hiroshi Sakai
Mao Wu
Michinori Nakata
Association rule-based decision making in table data.
Int. J. Reason. based Intell. Syst.
4 (3) (2012)
Mao Wu
Naoto Yamaguchi
Michinori Nakata
Hiroshi Sakai
Learning a Table from a Table with Non-deterministic Information: A Perspective.
Hiroshi Sakai
Mao Wu
Michinori Nakata
Dominik Slezak
Rough Sets-Based Machine Learning over Non-deterministic Data: A Brief Survey.
Hiroshi Sakai
Mao Wu
Naoto Yamaguchi
Michinori Nakata
Division charts and their merging algorithm in Rough Non-deterministic information analysis.