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Mamoru Hyodo
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2002-2016
Publications (10 Years): 3
Top Topics
Finite Element
Mesh Generation
High Fidelity
Parallel Execution
Top Venues
Int. J. High Perform. Comput. Appl.
Comput. Geosci.
Kazuto Ando
Mamoru Hyodo
Toshitaka Baba
Takane Hori
Toshihiro Kato
Masaru Watanabe
Shin'ichi Ichikawa
Hisakuni Kitahara
Hitoshi Uehara
Hikaru Inoue
Parallel-algorithm extension for tsunami and earthquake-cycle simulators for massively parallel execution on the K computer.
Int. J. High Perform. Comput. Appl.
30 (4) (2016)
Ryoichiro Agata
Tsuyoshi Ichimura
Kazuro Hirahara
Mamoru Hyodo
Takane Hori
Muneo Hori
Robust and portable capacity computing method for many finite element analyses of a high-fidelity crustal structure model aimed for coseismic slip estimation.
Comput. Geosci.
94 (2016)
Toshitaka Baba
Kazuto Ando
Daisuke Matsuoka
Mamoru Hyodo
Takane Hori
Narumi Takahashi
Ryoko Obayashi
Yoshiyuki Imato
Dai Kitamura
Hitoshi Uehara
Toshihiro Kato
Ryotaro Saka
Large-scale, high-speed tsunami prediction for the Great Nankai Trough Earthquake on the K computer.
Int. J. High Perform. Comput. Appl.
30 (1) (2016)
Ryoichiro Agata
Tsuyoshi Ichimura
Kazuro Hirahara
Mamoru Hyodo
Takane Hori
Chihiro Hashimoto
Muneo Hori
Numerical Verification Criteria for Coseismic and Postseismic Crustal Deformation Analysis with Large-scale High-fidelity Model.
Ryoichiro Agata
Tsuyoshi Ichimura
Kazuro Hirahara
Mamoru Hyodo
Takane Hori
Muneo Hori
Several Hundred Finite Element Analyses of an Inversion of Earthquake Fault Slip Distribution using a High-fidelity Model of the Crustal Structure.
Makiko Ohtani
Kazuro Hirahara
Yasuto Takahashi
Takane Hori
Mamoru Hyodo
Hiroshi Nakashima
Takeshi Iwashita
Fast Computation of Quasi-Dynamic Earthquake Cycle Simulation with Hierarchical Matrices.
Akira Kageyama
Masanori Kameyama
Satoru Fujihara
Masaki Yoshida
Mamoru Hyodo
Yoshinori Tsuda
A 15.2 TFlops Simulation of Geodynamo on the Earth Simulator.
Mikio Iizuka
Daigo Sekita
Hisashi Suito
Mamoru Hyodo
Kazuro Hirahara
David Place
Peter Mora
Osamu Hazama
Hiroshi Okuda
Parallel simulation system for earthquake generation: fault analysis modules and parallel coupling analysis.
Concurr. Comput. Pract. Exp.
14 (6-7) (2002)