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Mahendra K. Pal
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2015-2021
Publications (10 Years): 8
Top Topics
Spectral Images
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Remote Sensing
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Remote. Sens.
CVIP (1)
Praveen Kumar
Akhouri Pramod Krishna
Thorkild Maack Rasmussen
Mahendra K. Pal
Rapid Evaluation and Validation Method of Above Ground Forest Biomass Estimation Using Optical Remote Sensing in Tundi Reserved Forest Area, India.
ISPRS Int. J. Geo Inf.
10 (1) (2021)
Mahendra K. Pal
Thorkild Maack Rasmussen
Alok Porwal
Optimized Lithological Mapping from Multispectral and Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Images Using Fused Multi-Classifiers.
Remote. Sens.
12 (1) (2020)
Mahendra K. Pal
Thorkild Maack Rasmussen
Mehdi Abdolmaleki
Surficial Iron Mineral Potential Mapping from Aster Data in Malmberget and Adjoining Area in Norrbotten County Sweden.
Praveen Kumar
Akhouri Pramod Krishna
Thorkild Maack Rasmussen
Mahendra K. Pal
An Approach for Fraction of Vegetation Cover Estimation in Forest Above-Ground Biomass Assessment Using Sentinel-2 Images.
CVIP (1)
Mahendra K. Pal
Thorkild Maack Rasmussen
Mehdi Abdolmaleki
Multiple Multi-Spectral Remote Sensing Data Fusion and Integration for Geological Mapping.
Mahendra K. Pal
Alok Porwal
Topographic correction using brightness normalization approach from hyperspectral remote sensing images.
Mahendra K. Pal
Alok Porwal
Vegetation suppression for unveiling of surface lithology from Hyperspectral images using linear spectral unmixing approach.
Mahendra K. Pal
Alok Porwal
Optimizing classification using multi-classifiers for spaceborne hyperspectral dataset.
Mahendra K. Pal
Alok Porwal
Destriping of Hyperion images using low-pass-filter and local-brightness-normalization.