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Lydia L. Lange
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 1985-2002
Publications (10 Years): 0
Lydia L. Lange
The impact factor as a phantom: Is there a self-fulfilling prophecy effect of impact?
J. Documentation
58 (2) (2002)
Lydia L. Lange
Citation Counts of Multi-Authored Papers - First-named Authors and Further Authors.
52 (3) (2001)
Lydia L. Lange
Peter A. Frensch
Gaining scientific recognition by position: Does editorship increase citation rates?
44 (3) (1999)
Lydia L. Lange
Interactions between disciplines and countries in methodical preferences for empirical research.
10 (5-6) (1986)
Lydia L. Lange
Effects of disciplines and countries on citation habits. An analysis of empirical papers in behavioural sciences.
8 (3-4) (1985)