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Lunshi Zhou
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2022-2024
Publications (10 Years): 4
Top Topics
Expert Systems
Multi Perspective
Virtual Reality
Direct Manipulation
Top Venues
AutomotiveUI (Adjunct Proceedings)
HRI (Companion)
Conference on Designing Interactive Systems
Sharon Yavo-Ayalon
Yuzhen (Adam) Zhang
Ruixiang (Albert) Han
Swapna Joshi
Fanjun Bu
Cooper Murr
Lunshi Zhou
Wendy Ju
Behind the Scenes of CXR: Designing a Geo-Synchronized Communal eXtended Reality System.
Conference on Designing Interactive Systems
Lunshi Zhou
Alexandra Bremers
Wendy Ju
Initiative and Materiality: Exploring Mixed-Initiative Calculators with the Tangible Human-A.I. Interaction Framework.
David Goedicke
Harald Haraldsson
Navit Klein
Lunshi Zhou
Avi Parush
Wendy Ju
ReRun: Enabling Multi-Perspective Analysis of Driving Interaction in VR.
HRI (Companion)
David Goedicke
Harald Haraldsson
Navit Klein
Lunshi Zhou
Avi Parush
Wendy Ju
Rerun: Enabling Multi-Perspective Analysis of Driving Interaction in VR.
AutomotiveUI (Adjunct Proceedings)