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L. M. Spandorfer
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 1959-1968
Publications (10 Years): 0
Melvin E. Conway
L. M. Spandorfer
A computer system designer's view of large scale integration.
AFIPS Fall Joint Computing Conference (1)
L. M. Spandorfer
Large Scale Integration - an Appraisal.
Adv. Comput.
9 (1968)
W. F. Chow
L. M. Spandorfer
Plated wire bit steering for logic and storage.
AFIPS Spring Joint Computing Conference
Herman Lukoff
L. M. Spandorfer
F. F. Lee
Design of Univac®-LARC system: II.
IRE-AIEE-ACM Computer Conference (Eastern)