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Klaus Engelke
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2003-2021
Publications (10 Years): 6
Top Topics
Magnetic Resonance
Lumbar Spine
Ct Images
Image Inpainting
Top Venues
Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin
Lis J. Louise P
Klaus Engelke
Oliver Chaudry
Segmentation of the Fascia Lata in Magnetic Resonance Images of the Thigh - Comparison of an Unsupervised Technique with a U-Net in 2D and Patch-wise 3D.
Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin
Chaowei Tan
Kang Li
Zhennan Yan
Jingru Yi
Pengxiang Wu
Hui Jing Yu
Klaus Engelke
Dimitris N. Metaxas
Towards large-scale MR thigh image analysis via an integrated quantification framework.
229 (2017)
André Mastmeyer
Klaus Engelke
Willi A. Kalender
A New 3D Segmentation Methodology for Lumbar Vertebral Bodies for the Measurement of BMD and Geometry.
André Mastmeyer
Klaus Engelke
Sebastian Meller
Willi A. Kalender
A New 3D Method to Segment the Lumbar Vertebral Bodies and to Determine Bone Mineral Density and Geometry.
André Mastmeyer
Klaus Engelke
Christina Fuchs
Willi A. Kalender
A New 3D Segmentation Technique for QCT Scans of the Lumbar Spine to Determine BMD and Vertebral Geometry.
Chaowei Tan
Kang Li
Zhennan Yan
Dong Yang
Shaoting Zhang
Hui Jing Yu
Klaus Engelke
Colin Miller
Dimitris N. Metaxas
A detection-driven and sparsity-constrained deformable model for fascia lata labeling and thigh inter-muscular adipose quantification.
Comput. Vis. Image Underst.
151 (2016)
Andreas Friedberger
Oleg Museyko
Klaus Engelke
Binary Image Inpainting with Interpolation-Enhanced Diffeomorphic Demons Registration.
Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin
Chaowei Tan
Zhennan Yan
Dong Yang
Kang Li
Hui Jing Yu
Klaus Engelke
Colin Miller
Dimitris N. Metaxas
Accurate thigh inter-muscular adipose quantification using a data-driven and sparsity-constrained deformable model.
Oleg Museyko
Bastian Gerner
Klaus Engelke
Cortical Bone Thickness Estimation in CT Images: A Model-Based Approach Without Profile Fitting.
Svitlana Gayetskyy
Oleg Museyko
Andreas Hess
Georg Schett
Klaus Engelke
Bildgebende Charakterisierung und Quantifizierung der Vaskulogenese bei Arthritis.
Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin
Bastian Gerner
Dominique Töpfer
Oleg Museyko
Klaus Engelke
Impact of Segmentation in Quantitative Computed Tomography - A Simulation Study.
Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin
Peter Zerfass
T. Lowitz
Oleg Museyko
Valérie Bousson
L. Laouisset
Willi A. Kalender
Jean Denis Laredo
Klaus Engelke
An Integrated Segmentation and Analysis Approach for QCT of the Knee to Determine Subchondral Bone Mineral Density and Texture.
IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng.
59 (9) (2012)
Oleg Museyko
Fabian Eisa
Andreas Hess
Peter Zerfass
Willi A. Kalender
Klaus Engelke
Binary Segmentation Masks for Registration of Bone Structures in CT Images.
Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin
Omar M. Ahmad
Krishna Ramamurthi
Kevin E. Wilson
Klaus Engelke
Mary Bouxsein
Russell H. Taylor
3D structural measurements of the proximal femur from 2D DXA images using a statistical atlas.
Medical Imaging: Computer-Aided Diagnosis
Peter Zerfass
Oleg Museyko
Valérie Bousson
Jean Denis Laredo
Willi A. Kalender
Klaus Engelke
Segmentation of the Knee for Analysis of Osteoarthritis.
Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin
André Mastmeyer
Klaus Engelke
Christina Fuchs
Willi A. Kalender
A hierarchical 3D segmentation method and the definition of vertebral body coordinate systems for QCT of the lumbar spine.
Medical Image Anal.
10 (4) (2006)
Yan Kang
Klaus Engelke
Willi A. Kalender
Interactive 3D editing tools for image segmentation.
Medical Image Anal.
8 (1) (2004)
Yan Kang
Klaus Engelke
Willi A. Kalender
A New Accurate and Precise 3D Segmentation Method for Skeletal Structures in Volumetric CT Data.
IEEE Trans. Medical Imaging
22 (5) (2003)