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Kiril Slavov
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2010-2022
Publications (10 Years): 6
Top Topics
Pruning Algorithm
North America
Hierarchical Structure
Climate Data
Top Venues
J. Comput. Appl. Math.
Hristo Chervenkov
Kiril Slavov
Applicability of the CHIRPS Precipitation Product in the Regional Climatology of Southeast Europe.
Hristo Chervenkov
Kiril Slavov
ETCCDI Climate Indices for Assessment of the Recent Climate over Southeast Europe.
Hristo Chervenkov
Kiril Slavov
Vladimir Ivanov
STARDEX and ETCCDI Climate Indices Based on E-OBS and CARPATCLIM - Part One: General Description.
Hristo Chervenkov
Kiril Slavov
STARDEX and ETCCDI Climate Indices Based on E-OBS and CARPATCLIM - Part Two: ClimData in Use.
Dimiter Syrakov
Emilia Georgieva
Maria Prodanova
Elena Hristova
Ilian Gospodinov
Kiril Slavov
Blagorodka Veleva
Application of WRF-CMAQ Model System for Analysis of Sulfur and Nitrogen Deposition over Bulgaria.
Dimiter Syrakov
Maria Prodanova
Emilia Georgieva
Iglika Etropolska
Kiril Slavov
Simulation of European air quality by WRF-CMAQ models using AQMEII-2 infrastructure.
J. Comput. Appl. Math.
293 (2016)
Hristo Chervenkov
Todor Todorov
Kiril Slavov
Snow Cover Assessment with Regional Climate Model - Problems and Results.
Hristo Chervenkov
Dimiter Syrakov
Maria Prodanova
Kiril Slavov
Assessment of the Air Quality in Bulgaria - Short Summary Based on Recent Modelling Results.
Dimiter Syrakov
Maria Prodanova
Iglika Etropolska
Kiril Slavov
Kostadin Ganev
Nikolai Miloshev
Todor Ljubenov
A Multy-Domain Operational Chemical Weather Forecast System.
Angelina Todorova
Dimiter Syrakov
Georgi Gadzhev
Georgi Georgiev
Kostadin Ganev
Maria Prodanova
Nikolai Miloshev
Valery Spiridonov
Andrej Bogatchev
Kiril Slavov
Grid computing for atmospheric composition studies in Bulgaria.
Earth Sci. Informatics
3 (4) (2010)
Dimiter Syrakov
Valery Spiridonov
Kostadin Ganev
Maria Prodanova
Andrey Bogachev
Nikolai Miloshev
Kiril Slavov
First Results of SEE-GRID-SCI Application CCIAQ.
Iglika Etropolska
Maria Prodanova
Dimiter Syrakov
Kostadin Ganev
Nikolai Miloshev
Kiril Slavov
Bulgarian Operative System for Chemical Weather Forecast.