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Khaled Aldebei
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2015-2023
Publications (10 Years): 10
Top Topics
Hidden State
Feature Selection
Markov Model
Top Venues
IEEE Access
ACL (1)
Nazeeh Ghatasheh
Ismail Al-Taharwa
Khaled Aldebei
Modeling the Telemarketing Process Using Genetic Algorithms and Extreme Boosting: Feature Selection and Cost-Sensitive Analytical Approach.
IEEE Access
11 (2023)
Nazeeh Ghatasheh
Ismail Al-Taharwa
Khaled Aldebei
Modified Genetic Algorithm for Feature Selection and Hyper Parameter Optimization: Case of XGBoost in Spam Prediction.
Bilal Al-Ahmad
Nailah Al-Madi
Abdullah Alzaqebah
Rami S. Alkhawaldeh
Khaled Aldebei
Md Faisal Kabir
Ismail Al-Taharwa
Mua'ad Abu-Faraj
Ibrahim Aljarah
Meta-Heuristic Guided Feature Optimization for Enhanced Authorship Attribution in Java Source Code.
IEEE Access
11 (2023)
Mua'ad Abu-Faraj
Abeer Y. Al-Hyari
Charlie Obimbo
Khaled Aldebei
Ismail Al-Taharwa
Ziad A. Alqadi
Orabe Almanaseer
Protecting Digital Images Using Keys Enhanced by 2D Chaotic Logistic Maps.
7 (2) (2023)
Nazeeh Ghatasheh
Ismail Al-Taharwa
Khaled Aldebei
Modeling the Telemarketing Process using Genetic Algorithms and Extreme Boosting: Feature Selection and Cost-Sensitive Analytical Approach.
Mua'ad Abu-Faraj
Abeer Y. Al-Hyari
Khaled Aldebei
Ziad A. Alqadi
Bilal Al-Ahmad
Rotation Left Digits to Enhance the Security Level of Message Blocks Cryptography.
IEEE Access
10 (2022)
Nazeeh Ghatasheh
Ismail Al-Taharwa
Khaled Aldebei
Modified Genetic Algorithm for Feature Selection and Hyper Parameter Optimization: Case of XGBoost in Spam Prediction.
IEEE Access
10 (2022)
Khaled Aldebei
Xiangjian He
Wenjing Jia
Wei-Chang Yeh
SUDMAD: Sequential and unsupervised decomposition of a multi-author document based on a hidden markov model.
J. Assoc. Inf. Sci. Technol.
69 (2) (2018)
Khaled Aldebei
Helia Farhood
Wenjing Jia
Priyadarsi Nanda
Xiangjian He
Sequential and Unsupervised Document Authorial Clustering Based on Hidden Markov Model.
Khaled Aldebei
Xiangjian He
Wenjing Jia
Jie Yang
Unsupervised Multi-Author Document Decomposition Based on Hidden Markov Model.
ACL (1)
Khaled Aldebei
Xiangjian He
Jie Yang
Unsupervised Decomposition of a Multi-Author Document Based on Naive-Bayesian Model.
ACL (2)