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Kevin Koidl
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2008-2024
Publications (10 Years): 14
Top Topics
Intensive Care Unit
Semantic Enrichment
Linked Data
Social Media
Top Venues
UMAP (Extended Proceedings)
Mob. Networks Appl.
Shahad Nagoor
Lucy Hederman
Kevin Koidl
Ignacio Martin-Loeches
Distinguishing Clinical Sentiment in Intensive Care Unit Clinical Notes.
Dipto Barman
Kevin Koidl
Owen Conlan
Discerning Individual Preferences for Identifying and Flagging Misinformation on Social Media.
Barbara Guidi
Kristina Kapanova
Kevin Koidl
Andrea Michienzi
Laura Ricci
The Contextual Ego Network P2P Overlay for the Next Generation Social Networks.
Mob. Networks Appl.
25 (3) (2020)
Kristina Kapanova
Barbara Guidi
Andrea Michienzi
Kevin Koidl
Evaluating Posts on the Steemit Blockchain: Analysis on Topics Based on Textual Cues.
Barbara Guidi
Andrea Michienzi
Kevin Koidl
Kristina Kapanova
A multilayer social overlay for new generation DOSNs.
Kristina Kapanova
Kevin Koidl
Towards a model of interpersonal trust in Social Media Applications.
Kevin Koidl
Owen Conlan
Wessel Reijers
Mark Farrell
Melissa Hoover
The BigFoot Initiative: An Investigation of Digital Footprint Awareness in Social Media.
Kevin Koidl
Towards Trust-based Decentralized Ad-Hoc Social Networks.
WWW (Companion Volume)
Wessel Reijers
Kevin Koidl
David Lewis
Harshvardhan J. Pandit
Bert Gordijn
Discussing Ethical Impacts in Research and Innovation: The Ethics Canvas.
Owen Conlan
Liadh Kelly
Kevin Koidl
Séamus Lawless
Athanasios Staikopoulos
EvalUMAP: Towards Comparative Evaluation in User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization.
CLEF (Working Notes)
Milan Dojchinovski
Felix Sasaki
Tatjana Gornostaja
Sebastian Hellmann
Erik Mannens
Frank Salliau
Michele Osella
Phil Ritchie
Giannis Stoitsis
Kevin Koidl
Markus Ackermann
Nilesh Chakraborty
FREME: Multilingual Semantic Enrichment with Linked Data and Language Technologies.
Gary Munnelly
Kevin Koidl
Séamus Lawless
Exposing Ourselves: Displaying our Cultural Assets for Public Consumption.
Kevin Koidl
Killian Levacher
Owen Conlan
Ben Steichen
ECP: Evaluation Community Portal A Portal for Evaluation And Collaboration in User Modelling and Personalisation Research.
UMAP (Extended Proceedings)
Ali Hosseinzadeh Vahid
Roghaiyeh Gachpaz Hamed
Kevin Koidl
A Review of User-centred Information Retrieval Tasks.
UMAP (Extended Proceedings)
Felix Sasaki
Tatiana Gornostay
Milan Dojchinovski
Michele Osella
Erik Mannens
Giannis Stoitsis
Phil Ritchie
Thierry Declerck
Kevin Koidl
Introducing FREME: Deploying Linguistic Linked Data.
Kevin Koidl
Owen Conlan
Vincent Wade
Cross-site personalization: assisting users in addressing information needs that span independently hosted websites.
Kevin Koidl
Owen Conlan
Vincent Wade
Towards Cross Site Personalisation.
Web Intelligence
Kevin Koidl
Owen Conlan
Lai Wei
Ann Marie Saxton
Non-invasive Browser Based User Modeling Towards Semantically Enhanced Personlization of the Open Web.
AINA Workshops
Kevin Koidl
Owen Conlan
Vincent Wade
Towards User-Centric Cross-Site Personalisation.
Kevin Koidl
Owen Conlan
Engineering Information Systems towards Facilitating Scrutable and Configurable Adaptation.