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Justus E. Roos
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2007-2018
Publications (10 Years): 2
Top Topics
Contrast Agent
Lung Cancer
Computer Tomography
Pet Images
Top Venues
IEEE Trans. Medical Imaging
BMC Medical Imaging
Ehsan Abadi
William Paul Segars
Gregory M. Sturgeon
Justus E. Roos
Carl E. Ravin
Ehsan Samei
Modeling Lung Architecture in the XCAT Series of Phantoms: Physiologically Based Airways, Arteries and Veins.
IEEE Trans. Medical Imaging
37 (3) (2018)
Lennart Werner
Franziska Aebersold Keller
Ujwal Bhure
Justus E. Roos
Katharina Tornquist
Maria del Sol Pèrez-Lago
Oliver Gautschi
Klaus Strobel
The value of ultrasound-guided biopsy of fluorodeoxy-glucose positron emission tomography (FDG-PET)-positive supraclavicular lymph nodes in patients with suspected lung cancer.
BMC Medical Imaging
17 (1) (2017)
Jiantao Pu
David S. Paik
Xin Meng
Justus E. Roos
Geoffrey D. Rubin
Shape "Break-and-Repair" Strategy and Its Application to Automated Medical Image Segmentation.
IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph.
17 (1) (2011)
Florian F. Schmitzberger
Justus E. Roos
Sandy Napel
Geoffrey D. Rubin
David S. Paik
Thin client architecture in support of remote radiology learning.
Jiantao Pu
Justus E. Roos
Chin A. Yi
Sandy Napel
Geoffrey D. Rubin
David S. Paik
Adaptive border marching algorithm: Automatic lung segmentation on chest CT images.
Comput. Medical Imaging Graph.
32 (6) (2008)
Tejas Rakshe
Dominik Fleischmann
Jarrett Rosenberg
Justus E. Roos
Sandy Napel
Knowledge-based interpolation of curves: Application to femoropopliteal arterial centerline restoration.
Medical Image Anal.
11 (2) (2007)