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Jules C. Hancox
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2003-2021
Publications (10 Years): 10
Top Topics
Model Based Segmentation
Cardiac Imaging
Computational Model
Atrial Fibrillation
Top Venues
PLoS Comput. Biol.
J. Chem. Inf. Model.
Yacong Li
Kuanquan Wang
Qince Li
Jules C. Hancox
Henggui Zhang
Reciprocal interaction between IK1 and If in biological pacemakers: A simulation study.
PLoS Comput. Biol.
17 (3) (2021)
Aditi Roy
Marta Varela
Henry Chubb
Robert S. MacLeod
Jules C. Hancox
Tobias Schaeffter
Oleg V. Aslanidi
Identifying locations of re-entrant drivers from patient-specific distribution of fibrosis in the left atrium.
PLoS Comput. Biol.
16 (9) (2020)
Aditi Roy
Marta Varela
Henry Chubb
Robert S. MacLeod
Jules C. Hancox
Tobias Schaeffter
Mark D. O'Neill
Oleg V. Aslanidi
Virtual Catheter Ablation of Target Areas Identified from Image-Based Models of Atrial Fibrillation.
Jue Li
Pietro Mesirca
Alicia D'Souza
Yanwen Wang
Shu Nakao
Charlotte Cox
Jules C. Hancox
Matteo Mangoni
Mark R. Boyett
Heart Block in the Athlete - Role of Ion Channel Remodelling as Studied Using a One-Dimensional Computational Model of the Atrioventricular Node.
Wei Wang
Shanzhuo Zhang
Haibo Ni
Clifford J. Garratt
Mark R. Boyett
Jules C. Hancox
Henggui Zhang
Mechanistic insight into spontaneous transition from cellular alternans to arrhythmia - A simulation study.
PLoS Comput. Biol.
14 (11) (2018)
Dominic G. Whittaker
Jules C. Hancox
Henggui Zhang
Modelling the Effects of Propafenone on Human Atrial Patho-Electrophysiology Associated With hERG-Linked Short QT Syndrome.
Marta Varela
Purwa Dar
Jules C. Hancox
Oleg V. Aslanidi
The Efficacy of Class III Anti-arrhythmic Drug Action in 3D Canine Atrial Models: Is the Blockade of IKCa Pro- or Anti-arrhythmic?.
Dominic G. Whittaker
Haibo Ni
Aziza El Harchi
Jules C. Hancox
Henggui Zhang
Atrial arrhythmogenicity of KCNJ2 mutations in short QT syndrome: Insights from virtual human atria.
PLoS Comput. Biol.
13 (6) (2017)
Marta Varela
Michael A. Colman
Jules C. Hancox
Oleg V. Aslanidi
Atrial Heterogeneity Generates Re-entrant Substrate during Atrial Fibrillation and Anti-arrhythmic Drug Action: Mechanistic Insights from Canine Atrial Models.
PLoS Comput. Biol.
12 (12) (2016)
Dominic G. Whittaker
Haibo Ni
Alan P. Benson
Jules C. Hancox
Henggui Zhang
Modelling the Effects of Disopyramide on Short QT Syndrome Variant 1 in the Human Ventricles.
Erick Andres Perez-Alday
Michael A. Colman
Philip Langley
Timothy D. Butters
Jonathan Higham
Antony J. Workman
Jules C. Hancox
Henggui Zhang
A New Algorithm to Diagnose Atrial Ectopic Origin from Multi Lead ECG Systems - Insights from 3D Virtual Human Atria and Torso.
PLoS Comput. Biol.
11 (1) (2015)
Dominic G. Whittaker
Michael A. Colman
Haibo Ni
Jules C. Hancox
Henggui Zhang
In Silico Investigation of Short QT Syndrome-Linked Potassium Channel Mutations on Electro- Mechanical Function of Human Atrial Cells.
Christopher E. Dempsey
Dominic Wright
Charlotte K. Colenso
Richard B. Sessions
Jules C. Hancox
Assessing hERG Pore Models As Templates for Drug Docking Using Published Experimental Constraints: The Inactivated State in the Context of Drug Block.
J. Chem. Inf. Model.
54 (2) (2014)
Charlotte K. Colenso
Richard B. Sessions
Yi H. Zhang
Jules C. Hancox
Christopher E. Dempsey
Channel Model from Molecular Simulations and the Effects of a Voltage Sensor Mutation.
J. Chem. Inf. Model.
53 (6) (2013)
Oleg V. Aslanidi
Theodora Nikolaidou
Jichao Zhao
Bruce H. Smaill
Stephen H. Gilbert
Arun V. Holden
Tristan Lowe
Philip J. Withers
Robert S. Stephenson
Jonathan C. Jarvis
Jules C. Hancox
Mark R. Boyett
Henggui Zhang
Application of Micro-Computed Tomography With Iodine Staining to Cardiac Imaging, Segmentation, and Computational Model Development.
IEEE Trans. Medical Imaging
32 (1) (2013)
Oleg V. Aslanidi
Michael A. Colman
Jichao Zhao
Bruce H. Smaill
Stephen H. Gilbert
Jules C. Hancox
Mark R. Boyett
Henggui Zhang
Arrhythmogenic substrate for atrial fibrillation: Insights from an integrative computational model of pulmonary veins.
Ismail Adeniran
Mark J. McPate
Harry J. Witchel
Jules C. Hancox
Henggui Zhang
Increased Vulnerability of Human Ventricle to Re-entrant Excitation in hERG-linked Variant 1 Short QT Syndrome.
PLoS Comput. Biol.
7 (12) (2011)
Jules C. Hancox
Kathryn H. Yuill
John S. Mitcheson
Mary K. Convery
Progress and Gaps in Understanding the Electrophysiological Properties of Morphologically Normal Cells from the Cardiac atrioventricular Node.
Int. J. Bifurc. Chaos
13 (12) (2003)