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John F. Franco
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2015-2023
Publications (10 Years): 13
Top Topics
Distribution Network
Storage Systems
Convex Programming
Electric Vehicle Charging
Top Venues
IEEE Trans. Smart Grid
IEEE Access
EI.A (2)
Luis Cordero
Brian Jaramillo-Leon
Jonatas Boas Leite
John F. Franco
José Almeida
Fernando Lezama
João P. Soares
Probabilistic-based Optimization for PV Hosting Capacity with Confidence Interval Restrictions.
GECCO Companion
Tayenne Dias de Lima
Haider Ali
João P. Soares
John F. Franco
Bruno Francois
Luce Brotcorne
Optimal Planning of Autonomous Electric Vehicles Charging Stations with Photovoltaic Generations and Energy Storage Systems in Electric Distribution Systems.
Tayenne Dias de Lima
Cleberton Reiz
João P. Soares
Fernando Lezama
John F. Franco
Zita Vale
Distributed Energy Resources and EV Charging Stations Expansion Planning for Grid-Connected Microgrids.
EI.A (2)
Tayenne Dias de Lima
John F. Franco
Fernando Lezama
João P. Soares
A Specialized Long-Term Distribution System Expansion Planning Method With the Integration of Distributed Energy Resources.
IEEE Access
10 (2022)
Alejandra Tabares
Gabriel F. Puerta
John F. Franco
Rubén A. Romero
Planning of Reserve Branches to Increase Reconfiguration Capability in Distribution Systems: A Scenario-Based Convex Programming Approach.
IEEE Access
9 (2021)
Silvia M. L. Silva
Lucas Teles Faria
Rubén Romero
John F. Franco
Efficient Multi-Start With Path Relinking Search Strategy for Transmission System Expansion Planning.
IEEE Access
9 (2021)
Nataly Bañol Arias
Juan Camilo López
Seyedmostafa Hashemi
John F. Franco
Marcos J. Rider
Multi-Objective Sizing of Battery Energy Storage Systems for Stackable Grid Applications.
IEEE Trans. Smart Grid
12 (3) (2021)
Tayenne Dias de Lima
John F. Franco
Fernando Lezama
João P. Soares
Zita A. Vale
Joint Optimal Allocation of Electric Vehicle Charging Stations and Renewable Energy Sources Including CO2 Emissions.
Energy Inform.
4 (S2) (2021)
Juan Camilo Lopez
John F. Franco
Marcos J. Rider
Rubén A. Romero
Optimal Restoration/Maintenance Switching Sequence of Unbalanced Three-Phase Distribution Systems.
IEEE Trans. Smart Grid
9 (6) (2018)
John F. Franco
Luis F. Ochoa
Rubén A. Romero
AC OPF for Smart Distribution Networks: An Efficient and Robust Quadratic Approach.
IEEE Trans. Smart Grid
9 (5) (2018)
Leonardo H. Macedo
John F. Franco
Rubén A. Romero
Miguel A. Ortega-Vazquez
Marcos J. Rider
Increasing the hosting capacity for renewable energy in distribution networks.
Eliana M. Toro
John F. Franco
Mauricio Granada Echeverri
Frederico Gadelha Guimarães
A multi-objective model for the green capacitated location-routing problem considering environmental impact.
Comput. Ind. Eng.
110 (2017)
Patricia L. Cavalcante
Juan Camilo Lopez
John F. Franco
Marcos J. Rider
Ariovaldo V. Garcia
Marcos R. R. Malveira
Luana L. Martins
Luiz Carlos M. Direito
Centralized Self-Healing Scheme for Electrical Distribution Systems.
IEEE Trans. Smart Grid
7 (1) (2016)
Leonardo H. Macedo
John F. Franco
Marcos J. Rider
Rubén A. Romero
Optimal Operation of Distribution Networks Considering Energy Storage Devices.
IEEE Trans. Smart Grid
6 (6) (2015)
John F. Franco
Marcos J. Rider
Rubén A. Romero
A Mixed-Integer Linear Programming Model for the Electric Vehicle Charging Coordination Problem in Unbalanced Electrical Distribution Systems.
IEEE Trans. Smart Grid
6 (5) (2015)