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John C. Goddard
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2005-2015
Publications (10 Years): 0
Top Topics
Temporal Domain
Sound Signals
Deep Learning
Robust Classification
Top Venues
Digit. Signal Process.
Comput. Speech Lang.
César Ernesto Martínez
John C. Goddard
Leandro E. Di Persia
Diego H. Milone
Hugo Leonardo Rufiner
Denoising sound signals in a bioinspired non-negative spectro-temporal domain.
Digit. Signal Process.
38 (2015)
E. Marcelo Albornoz
Máximo Sánchez-Gutiérrez
Fabiola Martínez Licona
Hugo Leonardo Rufiner
John C. Goddard
Spoken Emotion Recognition Using Deep Learning.
Máximo Sánchez-Gutiérrez
E. Marcelo Albornoz
Fabiola Martínez Licona
Hugo Leonardo Rufiner
John C. Goddard
Deep Learning for Emotional Speech Recognition.
César Ernesto Martínez
John C. Goddard
Diego H. Milone
Hugo Leonardo Rufiner
Bioinspired sparse spectro-temporal representation of speech for robust classification.
Comput. Speech Lang.
26 (5) (2012)
Leandro Daniel Vignolo
Hugo Leonardo Rufiner
Diego H. Milone
John C. Goddard
Evolutionary Splines for Cepstral Filterbank Optimization in Phoneme Classification.
EURASIP J. Adv. Signal Process.
2011 (2011)
Leandro Daniel Vignolo
Hugo Leonardo Rufiner
Diego H. Milone
John C. Goddard
Evolutionary cepstral coefficients.
Appl. Soft Comput.
11 (4) (2011)
Leandro Daniel Vignolo
Hugo Leonardo Rufiner
Diego H. Milone
John C. Goddard
Genetic Optimization of Cepstrum Filterbank for Phoneme Classification.
John C. Goddard
Gastón Schlotthauer
María Eugenia Torres
Hugo Leonardo Rufiner
Dimensionality reduction for visualization of normal and pathological speech data.
Biomed. Signal Process. Control.
4 (3) (2009)
John C. Goddard
F. M. Martínez
Gastón Schlotthauer
María Eugenia Torres
Hugo Leonardo Rufiner
Visualization of normal and pathological speech data.
Hugo Leonardo Rufiner
César Ernesto Martínez
Diego H. Milone
John C. Goddard
Auditory Cortical Representations of Speech Signals for Phoneme Classification.
F. M. Martínez
John C. Goddard
A. M. Martínez
Analysis of Spanish synthesized speech signals using spectral and basis pursuit representations.