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Johannes Thye
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2014-2019
Publications (10 Years): 11
Top Topics
Clinical Information
Status Quo
Intra Class
Health Informatics
Top Venues
Ursula Hübner
Johannes Thye
Toria Shaw
Beth Elias
Nicole Egbert
Kaija Saranto
Birgit Babitsch
Paula Procter
Marion J. Ball
Towards the TIGER International Framework for Recommendations of Core Competencies in Health Informatics 2.0: Extending the Scope and the Roles.
Johannes Thye
Toria Shaw
Jens Hüsers
Moritz Esdar
Marion J. Ball
Birgit Babitsch
Ursula Hübner
What Are Inter-Professional eHealth Competencies?
Jan-David Liebe
Moritz Esdar
Johannes Thye
Ursula Hübner
Auf dem Weg zum digitalen Krankenhaus: Eine empirische Analyse über die gemeinsame Wirkung von Intrapreneurship und Informationsmanagement.
Jan-Patrick Weiß
Johannes Thye
Jens Rauch
Michael Tissen
Moritz Esdar
Frank Teuteberg
Ursula Hübner
IT-Benchmarking als Zusammenspiel von Wissenschaft und Praxis - ein Web-Portal zur Dissemination individueller Ergebnisse für Krankenhäuser.
Johannes Thye
Ursula Hübner
Jan-Patrick Weiß
Frank Teuteberg
Jens Hüsers
Jan-David Liebe
Birgit Babitsch
Hospital CEOs Need Health IT Knowledge and Trust in CIOs: Insights from a Qualitative Study.
Moritz Esdar
Ursula Hübner
Jan-David Liebe
Jens Hüsers
Johannes Thye
Understanding latent structures of clinical information logistics: A bottom-up approach for model building and validating the workflow composite score.
Int. J. Medical Informatics
97 (2017)
Johannes Thye
Ursula Hübner
Jens Hüsers
Birgit Babitsch
IT Decision Making in German Hospitals - Do CEOs Open the Black Box?
Jan-David Liebe
Moritz Esdar
Johannes Thye
Ursula Hübner
Antecedents of CIOs' Innovation Capability in Hospitals: Results of an Empirical Study.
Christian Kücherer
Jan-David Liebe
Michael Schaaf
Johannes Thye
Barbara Paech
Alfred Winter
Franziska Jahn
The status quo of information management in hospitals - results of an online survey.
Nicole Egbert
Johannes Thye
Georg Schulte
Jan-David Liebe
Werner O. Hackl
Elske Ammenwerth
Ursula Hübner
An Iterative Methodology for Developing National Recommendations for Nursing Informatics Curricula.
Ursula Hübner
Toria Shaw
Johannes Thye
Nicole Egbert
Heimar F. Marin
Marion J. Ball
Towards an International Framework for Recommendations of Core Competencies in Nursing and Inter-Professional Informatics: The TIGER Competency Synthesis Project.
Johannes Thye
Matthias-Christopher Straede
Jan-David Liebe
Ursula Hübner
IT-Benchmarking of Clinical Workflows: Concept, Implementation, and Evaluation.