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Joe Eaton
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2015-2023
Publications (10 Years): 12
Top Topics
Hash Tables
Agglomerative Clustering
Gpu Accelerated
Graphics Processors
Top Venues
Seunghwa Kang
Chuck Hastings
Joe Eaton
Brad Rees
cuGraph C++ primitives: vertex/edge-centric building blocks for parallel graph computing.
IPDPS Workshops
Corey J. Nolet
Divye Gala
Alexandre Fender
Mahesh Doijade
Joe Eaton
Edward Raff
John Zedlewski
Brad Rees
Tim Oates
cuSLINK: Single-Linkage Agglomerative Clustering on the GPU.
Corey J. Nolet
Divye Gala
Alexandre Fender
Mahesh Doijade
Joe Eaton
Edward Raff
John Zedlewski
Brad Rees
Tim Oates
cuSLINK: Single-linkage Agglomerative Clustering on the GPU.
Brad Rees
Xiaoyun Wang
Joe Eaton
Onur Yilmaz
Rick Ratzel
Dominque LaSalle
Accelerated GNN Training with DGL and RAPIDS cuGraph in a Fraud Detection Workflow.
Oded Green
Corey Nolet
Joe Eaton
Generating Permutations Using Hash Tables.
Corey J. Nolet
Divye Gala
Edward Raff
Joe Eaton
Brad Rees
Tim Oates
GPU Semiring Primitives for Sparse Neighborhood Methods.
Corey J. Nolet
Divye Gala
Edward Raff
Joe Eaton
Brad Rees
John Zedlewski
Tim Oates
Semiring Primitives for Sparse Neighborhood Methods on the GPU.
Seunghwa Kang
Alexandre Fender
Joe Eaton
Brad Rees
Computing PageRank Scores of Web Crawl Data Using DGX A100 Clusters.
Benjamín Hernández
Suhas Somnath
Junqi Yin
Hao Lu
Joe Eaton
Peter Entschev
John Kirkham
Zahra Ronaghi
Performance Evaluation of Python Based Data Analytics Frameworks in Summit: Early Experiences.
Xiaoyun Wang
Joe Eaton
Cho-Jui Hsieh
Shyhtsun Felix Wu
Attack Graph Convolutional Networks by Adding Fake Nodes.
Alexandre Fender
Nahid Emad
Serge G. Petiton
Joe Eaton
Maxim Naumov
Parallel jaccard and related graph clustering techniques.
Alexandre Fender
Nahid Emad
Joe Eaton
Serge G. Petiton
Accelerated Hybrid Approach for Spectral Problems Arising in Graph Analytics.
Maxim Naumov
M. Arsaev
Patrice Castonguay
Jonathan M. Cohen
Julien Demouth
Joe Eaton
Simon K. Layton
N. Markovskiy
István Z. Reguly
Nikolai Sakharnykh
V. Sellappan
Robert Strzodka
AmgX: A Library for GPU Accelerated Algebraic Multigrid and Preconditioned Iterative Methods.
SIAM J. Sci. Comput.
37 (5) (2015)