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Jeff Daily
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2008-2020
Publications (10 Years): 9
Top Topics
Weakly Supervised
Fault Tolerance
Sequence Alignment
Distribution Systems
Top Venues
IEEE BigData
BMC Bioinform.
Jianhua Zhang
Jeff Daily
Ryan A. Mast
Bryan Palmintier
Dheepak Krishnamurthy
Tarek Elgindy
Anthony Florita
Bri-Mathias S. Hodge
Development of HELICS-based High-Performance Cyber-Physical Co-simulation Framework for Distributed Energy Resources Applications.
Jeff Daily
Abhinav Vishnu
Charles Siegel
Thomas Warfel
Vinay Amatya
GossipGraD: Scalable Deep Learning using Gossip Communication based Asynchronous Gradient Descent.
Jacob Hansen
Thomas Edgar
Jeff Daily
Di Wu
Evaluating transactive controls of integrated transmission and distribution systems using the Framework for Network Co-Simulation.
Vinay Amatya
Abhinav Vishnu
Charles Siegel
Jeff Daily
What does fault tolerant Deep Learning need from MPI?
Vinay Amatya
Abhinav Vishnu
Charles Siegel
Jeff Daily
What does fault tolerant deep learning need from MPI?
Abhinav Vishnu
Joseph B. Manzano
Charles Siegel
Jeff Daily
User-transparent Distributed TensorFlow.
Charles Siegel
Jeff Daily
Abhinav Vishnu
Adaptive neuron apoptosis for accelerating deep learning on large scale systems.
IEEE BigData
Jeff Daily
Parasail: SIMD C library for global, semi-global, and local pairwise sequence alignments.
BMC Bioinform.
17 (2016)
Charles Siegel
Jeff Daily
Abhinav Vishnu
Adaptive Neuron Apoptosis for Accelerating Deep Learning on Large Scale Systems.
Nathan R. Tallent
Abhinav Vishnu
Hubertus Van Dam
Jeff Daily
Darren J. Kerbyson
Adolfy Hoisie
Diagnosing the causes and severity of one-sided message contention.
Jeff Daily
Ananth Kalyanaraman
Sriram Krishnamoorthy
Abhinav Vishnu
A work stealing based approach for enabling scalable optimal sequence homology detection.
J. Parallel Distributed Comput.
Lynn Wood
Jeff Daily
Michael Henry
Bruce J. Palmer
Karen Schuchardt
Donald Dazlich
Ross Heikes
David A. Randall
A global climate model agent for high spatial and temporal resolution data.
Int. J. High Perform. Comput. Appl.
29 (1) (2015)
Jeff Daily
Abhinav Vishnu
Bruce J. Palmer
Hubertus Van Dam
Darren J. Kerbyson
On the suitability of MPI as a PGAS runtime.
Krista Gaustad
Tim Shippert
Brian Ermold
Sherman Beus
Jeff Daily
Atle Borsholm
Kevin Fox
A scientific data processing framework for time series NetCDF data.
Environ. Model. Softw.
60 (2014)
Nawab Ali
Sriram Krishnamoorthy
Mahantesh Halappanavar
Jeff Daily
Multi-Fault Tolerance for Cartesian Data Distributions.
Int. J. Parallel Program.
41 (3) (2013)
Jeff Daily
Sriram Krishnamoorthy
Ananth Kalyanaraman
Towards scalable optimal sequence homology detection.
Abhinav Vishnu
Jeff Daily
Bruce J. Palmer
Designing scalable PGAS communication subsystems on cray gemini interconnect.
Nawab Ali
Sriram Krishnamoorthy
Mahantesh Halappanavar
Jeff Daily
Tolerating correlated failures for generalized Cartesian distributions via bipartite matching.
Conf. Computing Frontiers
Jeff Daily
Robert R. Lewis
Poster: automatic parallelization of numerical python applications using the global arrays toolkit.
SC Companion
Jeff Daily
Robert R. Lewis
Using the Global Arrays Toolkit to Reimplement NumPy for Distributed Computation.
Jared Chase
Karen Schuchardt
George Chin Jr.
Jeff Daily
Timothy D. Scheibe
Iterative Workflows for Numerical Simulations in Subsurface Sciences.