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Jarmo Reponen
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2000-2024
Publications (10 Years): 16
Top Topics
Health Care
Health Information
Breast Cancer
Top Venues
Int. J. Medical Informatics
Petra Kuikka
Paula Veikkolainen
Tiina Salmijärvi
Timo Tuovinen
Petri Kulmala
Jarmo Reponen
Initial Experiences of Electronic Medical Record Simulation Environment in eHealth Education Course for Medical Students in Finland.
Jari Haverinen
Jarno Suominen
Rauli Kaksonen
Paula Veikkolainen
Merja Voutilainen
Jarmo Reponen
Juha Röning
Petra Falkenbach
Finnish Digi-HTA Assessment Model for Digital Health and an International Comparison.
Paula Veikkolainen
Timo Tuovinen
Erika Jarva
Anna-Maria Tuomikoski
Merja Männistö
Jarmo Pääkkönen
Teemu Pihlajasalo
Jarmo Reponen
eHealth competence building for future doctors and nurses - Attitudes and capabilities.
Int. J. Medical Informatics
169 (2023)
Lotta Virtanen
Anu-Marja Kaihlanen
Petra Saukkonen
Jarmo Reponen
Tinja Lääveri
Tuulikki Vehko
Peppiina Saastamoinen
Johanna Viitanen
Tarja Heponiemi
Associations of perceived changes in work due to digitalization and the amount of digital work with job strain among physicians: a national representative sample.
BMC Medical Informatics Decis. Mak.
23 (1) (2023)
Christian Nøhr
Heidi Gilstad
Tuulikki Vehko
Jarmo Reponen
Sidsel Villumsen
Gudrun Audur Hardardottir
Rune Pedersen
Vivian Vimarlund
Sabine Koch
Citizens Access to Health Information in National Portals in the Nordic Countries.
Antti Isosalo
Satu I. Inkinen
T. Turunen
Pieta S. Ipatti
Jarmo Reponen
Miika T. Nieminen
Independent evaluation of a multi-view multi-task convolutional neural network breast cancer classification model using Finnish mammography screening data.
Comput. Biol. Medicine
161 (2023)
Mariella Särestöniemi
Jarmo Reponen
Marko Sonkki
Sami Myllymäki
Carlos A. Pomalaza-Raez
Osmo Tervonen
Teemu Myllylä
Breast Cancer Detection Feasibility with UWB Flexible Antennas on Wearable Monitoring Vest.
PerCom Workshops
Ijaz Ahmad
Zeeshan Asghar
Tanesh Kumar
Gaolei Li
Ahsan Manzoor
Konstantin Mikhaylov
Syed Attique Shah
Marko Höyhtyä
Jarmo Reponen
Jyrki Huusko
Erkki Harjula
Emerging Technologies for Next Generation Remote Health Care and Assisted Living.
IEEE Access
10 (2022)
Miia Jansson
Janne H. Liisanantti
Tero Ala-Kokko
Jarmo Reponen
The negative impact of interface design, customizability, inefficiency, malfunctions, and information retrieval on user experience: A national usability survey of ICU clinical information systems in Finland.
Int. J. Medical Informatics
159 (2022)
Guido Giunti
Jari Haverinen
Jarmo Reponen
Informing the Product Development of an mHealth Solution for People with Multiple Sclerosis Through Early Health Technology Assessment.
Pia Liljamo
Janika Wahlberg
Hanna Mikkonen
Jarmo Reponen
A Digital Care Pathway to Access Healthcare Without Time and Place Restrictions.
Nursing Informatics
Milla Rosenlund
Eija Kivekäs
Santtu Mikkonen
Sirpa Arvonen
Jarmo Reponen
Kaija Saranto
Health Professionals' Perceptions of Information Quality in the Health Village Portal.
Hannele Hyppönen
Sonja Lumme
Jarmo Reponen
Jukka Vänskä
Johanna Kaipio
Tarja Heponiemi
Tinja Lääveri
Health information exchange in Finland: Usage of different access types and predictors of paper use.
Int. J. Medical Informatics
122 (2019)
Christian Nøhr
Sabine Koch
Vivian Vimarlund
Heidi Gilstad
Arild Faxvaag
Gudrun Audur Hardardottir
Hege Kristin Andreassen
Maarit Kangas
Jarmo Reponen
Pernille Bertelsen
Sidsel Villumsen
Hannele Hyppönen
Monitoring and Benchmarking eHealth in the Nordic Countries.
Petr Martynov
Nikolai Mitropolskii
Katri Kukkola
Monika Gretsch
Vesa-Matti Koivisto
Ilkka Lindgren
Jani Saunavaara
Jarmo Reponen
Anssi Mäkynen
Testing of the assisting software for radiologists analysing head CT images: lessons learned.
BMC Medical Imaging
17 (1) (2017)
Johanna Kaipio
Tinja Lääveri
Hannele Hyppönen
Suvi Vainiomäki
Jarmo Reponen
André Kushniruk
Elizabeth M. Borycki
Jukka Vänskä
Usability problems do not heal by themselves: National survey on physicians' experiences with EHRs in Finland.
Int. J. Medical Informatics
97 (2017)
Sidsel Villumsen
Guðrún Auður Harðardóttir
Maarit Kangas
Heidi Gilstad
Berit Johanne Brattheim
Jarmo Reponen
Hannele Hyppönen
Christian Nøhr
Monitoring the Amount of Practical Use of eHealth on National Level by Use of Log Data: Lessons Learned.
Mariella Särestöniemi
Ville Niemelä
Matti Hämäläinen
Jari H. Iinatti
Niina Keränen
Timo Jämsä
Juha Partala
Tapio Seppänen
Jarmo Reponen
Receiver performance evaluation on IEEE 802.15.6 based WBAN for monitoring Parkinson's disease.
Hannele Hyppönen
Jarmo Reponen
Tinja Lääveri
Johanna Kaipio
User experiences with different regional health information exchange systems in Finland.
Int. J. Medical Informatics
83 (1) (2014)
Hannele Hyppönen
Arild Faxvaag
Heidi Gilstad
Gudrun Audur Hardardottir
Lars Jerlvall
Maarit Kangas
Sabine Koch
Christian Nøhr
Thomas Pehrsson
Jarmo Reponen
Åke Walldius
Vivian Vimarlund
Nordic eHealth Indicators: Organisation of Research, First Results and Plan for the Future.
Niina Keränen
Mariella Särestöniemi
Juha Partala
Matti Hämäläinen
Jarmo Reponen
Tapio Seppänen
Jari H. Iinatti
Timo Jämsä
IEEE802.15.6 -based multi-accelerometer WBAN system for monitoring Parkinson's disease.
Juha Partala
Niina Keränen
Mariella Särestöniemi
Matti Hämäläinen
Jari H. Iinatti
Timo Jämsä
Jarmo Reponen
Tapio Seppänen
Security threats against the transmission chain of a medical health monitoring system.
Johanna Viitanen
Hannele Hyppönen
Tinja Lääveri
Jukka Vänskä
Jarmo Reponen
Ilkka Winblad
National questionnaire study on clinical ICT systems proofs: Physicians suffer from poor usability.
Int. J. Medical Informatics
80 (10) (2011)
Jarmo Reponen
Jaakko Niinimäki
T. Leinonen
J. Korpelainen
J. Oikarinen
E. Vierimaa
Linking a web based electronic patient record with a DICOM PACS.
Jaakko Niinimäki
Arto Holopainen
Jari Kerttula
Jarmo Reponen
Security Development of a Pocket-Sized Teleradiology Consultation System.
Jarmo Reponen
J. Minimäki
A. Holopainen
P. Jartti
E. Ilkko
A. Karttunen
T. Kumpulainen
O. Tervonen
E. Pääkkö
MOMEDA - a Mobile Smartphone terminal for DICOM images and Web-based electronic patient data.