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J. Guy
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2013-2022
Publications (10 Years): 1
Top Topics
Power Distribution
Spatial Distribution
Software Architecture
Single User
Top Venues
VLSI Technology and Circuits
S. Vaziri
I. M. Datye
Elia Ambrosi
A. I. Khan
H. Kwon
C. H. Wu
C. F. Hsu
J. Guy
T. Y. Lee
H.-S. P. Wong
X. Y. Bao
First Fire-free, Low-voltage (~1.2 V), and Low Off-current (~3 nA) SiOxTey Selectors.
VLSI Technology and Circuits
Maxime Leroux
Naveena Genay
Hubert Mariotte
Frederic Neddam
Dominique Kurz
Y. Denis
Philippe Chanclou
Bruno Capelle
Bertrand Le Guyader
J. Guy
Fiber to the distribution point (FTTdp) architecture for single user based on hybrid fiber and copper scheme.