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J. G. Pinto
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2012-2022
Publications (10 Years): 31
Top Topics
Electric Vehicles
Active Power Filter
Smart Home
Power Grids
Top Venues
EAI Endorsed Trans. Energy Web
João P. D. Miranda
Duarte M. N. Rodrigues
Luis A. M. Barros
J. G. Pinto
DC-DC Power Converter for High Power Solar Photovoltaic System.
Ana M. C. Rodrigues
Vitor Monteiro
Tiago J. C. Sousa
Tiago Alves
J. G. Pinto
João Luiz Afonso
Experimental Validation of an Advanced Load-Shift System Operating as Shunt Active Power Filter.
EAI Endorsed Trans. Energy Web
8 (34) (2021)
José A. Salgado
Vitor Monteiro
J. G. Pinto
Ruben E. Figueiredo
João Luiz Afonso
José A. Afonso
Maximization of Solar Power Extraction from Photovoltaic Modules Using Energy Harvesting Solutions for Smart Cities.
Ruben E. Figueiredo
Aníbal A. Alves
Vitor Monteiro
J. G. Pinto
João Luiz Afonso
José A. Afonso
Development and Evaluation of Smart Home IoT Systems applied to HVAC Monitoring and Control.
EAI Endorsed Trans. Energy Web
8 (34) (2021)
João Rego
Fábio Lúcio Pereira
Luis A. M. Barros
António P. Martins
J. G. Pinto
Development of a Modular Multilevel Cascade Converter Based on Full-Bridge Submodules with a Common DC Bus.
Luis A. M. Barros
Mohamed Tanta
António P. Martins
João Luiz Afonso
J. G. Pinto
Evaluation of Static Synchronous Compensator and Rail Power Conditioner in Electrified Railway Systems Using V/V and Scott Power Transformers.
EAI Endorsed Trans. Energy Web
8 (34) (2021)
Daniel F. S. Fernandes
Rui F. O. Costa
Luis A. M. Barros
Delfim Pedrosa
João Luiz Afonso
J. G. Pinto
A Comprehensive Comparison of Voltage and Current Control Techniques for Three-Phase VSI Converters.
Luís Machado
Tiago J. C. Sousa
Delfim Pedrosa
Vitor Monteiro
J. G. Pinto
João Luiz Afonso
Experimental Validation of a Three-Phase Induction Motor Operating with a Three-Phase Bidirectional Variable Speed Drive.
EAI Endorsed Trans. Energy Web
8 (34) (2021)
Catia F. Oliveira
Luis A. M. Barros
João Luiz Afonso
J. G. Pinto
Bruno Exposto
Vitor Monteiro
Experimental Validation of a Current-Source Converter with Reduced Dc-link Operating as Shunt Active Power Filter.
EAI Endorsed Trans. Energy Web
8 (34) (2021)
Jose A. Salgado
Vitor Monteiro
J. G. Pinto
João Luiz Afonso
José A. Afonso
Design and Experimental Validation of a Compact Low-Cost Weather Station for Solar Photovoltaic Applications.
EAI Endorsed Trans. Energy Web
8 (34) (2021)
J. G. Pinto
Vitor Monteiro
Bruno Exposto
Luis A. M. Barros
Tiago J. C. Sousa
Luís F. C. Monteiro
João Luiz Afonso
Power Electronics Converters for an Electric Vehicle Fast Charging Station with Energy Storage System and Renewable Energy Sources.
EAI Endorsed Trans. Energy Web
7 (25) (2020)
Vitor Monteiro
João P. S. Catalão
Tiago J. C. Sousa
J. G. Pinto
Marcello Mezaroba
João Luiz Afonso
Improved Voltage Control for the Electric Vehicle Operation in V2H Mode as an Off-Line UPS in the Context of Smart Homes.
EAI Endorsed Trans. Energy Web
7 (25) (2020)
Tiago J. C. Sousa
Vítor Monteiro
J. G. Pinto
João Luiz Afonso
Performance Comparison of a Typical Nonlinear Load Supplied by ac and dc Voltages.
EAI Endorsed Trans. Energy Web
7 (25) (2020)
Ruben E. Figueiredo
Vitor Monteiro
José A. Afonso
J. G. Pinto
Jose A. Salgado
Luiz A. Lisboa Cardoso
Miguel Nogueira
Aderito Abreu
João Luiz Afonso
Efficiency Comparison of Different DC-DC Converter Architectures for a Power Supply of a LiDAR System.
Luís Machado
Tiago J. C. Sousa
Delfim Pedrosa
Vitor Monteiro
J. G. Pinto
João Luiz Afonso
A Three-Phase Bidirectional Variable Speed Drive: An Experimental Validation for a Three-Phase Induction Motor.
Luis A. M. Barros
Mohamed Tanta
António P. Martins
João Luiz Afonso
J. G. Pinto
STATCOM Evaluation in Electrified Railway Using V/V and Scott Power Transformers.
Aníbal A. Alves
Vitor Monteiro
J. G. Pinto
João Luiz Afonso
José A. Afonso
Development of an Internet of Things System for Smart Home HVAC Monitoring and Control.
Ana M. C. Rodrigues
Vítor Monteiro
Tiago J. C. Sousa
Tiago Alves
J. G. Pinto
João Luiz Afonso
Advanced Load-Shift System: An Experimental Validation of the ac-dc Converter as Shunt Active Power Filter.
Catia F. Oliveira
Luis A. M. Barros
João Luiz Afonso
J. G. Pinto
Bruno Exposto
Vitor Monteiro
A Novel Single-Phase Shunt Active Power Filter Based on a Current-Source Converter with Reduced Dc-Link.
Vítor Monteiro
João P. S. Catalão
Tiago J. C. Sousa
J. G. Pinto
Marcello Mezaroba
João Luiz Afonso
Improved Voltage Control of the Electric Vehicle Operating as UPS in Smart Homes.
Tiago J. C. Sousa
Vítor Monteiro
J. G. Pinto
João Luiz Afonso
Performance Comparison of a Typical Nonlinear Load Connected to Ac and Dc Power Grids.
J. G. Pinto
Vítor Monteiro
Bruno Exposto
Luis A. M. Barros
Tiago J. C. Sousa
Luís F. C. Monteiro
João Luiz Afonso
Power Electronics Converters for an Electric Vehicle Fast Charging Station with Storage Capability.
Vítor Monteiro
João Ferreira
J. G. Pinto
João Luiz Afonso
New Opportunities and Perspectives for the Electric Vehicle Operation in Smart Grids and Smart Homes Scenarios.
Tiago J. C. Sousa
Vitor Monteiro
J. G. Pinto
Andrés A. Nogueiras Meléndez
João Luiz Afonso
Single-phase shunt active power filter with UPS operation using a bidirectional Dc-Dc converter for energy storage interface.
Vitor Monteiro
J. G. Pinto
Andrés A. Nogueiras Meléndez
João Luiz Afonso
A novel single-phase five-level active rectifier for on-board EV battery chargers.
Vítor Monteiro
J. G. Pinto
João Carlos Aparício Fernandes
João Luiz Afonso
Experimental Comparison of Single-Phase Active Rectifiers for EV Battery Chargers.
João Ferreira
Vitor Monteiro
J. G. Pinto
Ana Lúcia Martins
João Luiz Afonso
Decision Process to Manage Renewable Energy Production in Smart Grid Environment.
PAAMS (Workshops)
Mohamed Tanta
Vitor Monteiro
Bruno Exposto
J. G. Pinto
António P. Martins
Adriano S. Carvalho
Andrés A. Nogueiras Meléndez
João Luiz Afonso
Simplified rail power conditioner based on a half-bridge indirect AC/DC/AC Modular Multilevel Converter and a V/V power transformer.
Luis A. M. Barros
Vitor Monteiro
Bruno Exposto
Andrés A. Nogueiras Meléndez
João Luiz Afonso
J. G. Pinto
New multifunctional push-pull converter operating with MPPT and integrated energy storage system for PV micro-inverter applications.
Vitor Monteiro
Joao Paulo Carmo
J. G. Pinto
João Luiz Afonso
A Flexible Infrastructure for Dynamic Power Control of Electric Vehicle Battery Chargers.
IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol.
65 (6) (2016)
Vitor Monteiro
J. G. Pinto
João Luiz Afonso
Operation Modes for the Electric Vehicle in Smart Grids and Smart Homes: Present and Proposed Modes.
IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol.
65 (3) (2016)
Vítor Monteiro
Bruno Exposto
J. G. Pinto
João Carlos Aparício Fernandes
Luís F. C. Monteiro
João Luiz Afonso
A novel architecture of a bidirectional bridgeless interleaved converter for EV battery chargers.
Vitor Monteiro
Bruno Exposto
J. G. Pinto
M. J. Sepulveda
Andrés A. Nogueiras Meléndez
João Luiz Afonso
Three-phase three-level current-source converter for EVs fast battery charging systems.
Vítor Monteiro
J. G. Pinto
Bruno Exposto
Luís F. C. Monteiro
Carlos Couto
João Luiz Afonso
A novel concept of unidirectional bridgeless combined boost-buck converter for EV battery chargers.
Bruno Exposto
Vitor Monteiro
J. G. Pinto
Delfim Pedrosa
Andrés A. Nogueiras Meléndez
João Luiz Afonso
Three-phase current-source shunt active power filter with solar photovoltaic grid interface.
Vitor Monteiro
Bruno Exposto
J. G. Pinto
Raul Almeida
João Ferreira
Andrés A. Nogueiras Meléndez
João Luiz Afonso
On-board electric vehicle battery charger with enhanced V2H operation mode.
Bruno Exposto
J. G. Pinto
João Luiz Afonso
Power Outage Detection Methods for the Operation of a Shunt Active Power Filter as Energy Backup System.
Angelo Araujo
J. G. Pinto
Bruno Exposto
Carlos Couto
João Luiz Afonso
Implementation and comparison of different switching techniques for shunt active power filters.
Tiago Rodrigues
J. G. Pinto
Vitor Monteiro
Delfim Pedrosa
João Luiz Afonso
Renewable energy system for an isolated micro grid.
J. G. Pinto
Vitor Monteiro
Henrique Gonçalves
João Luiz Afonso
Onboard Reconfigurable Battery Charger for Electric Vehicles With Traction-to-Auxiliary Mode.
IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol.
63 (3) (2014)
J. G. Pinto
Vitor Monteiro
Henrique Gonçalves
Bruno Exposto
Delfim Pedrosa
Carlos Couto
João Luiz Afonso
Bidirectional battery charger with Grid-to-Vehicle, Vehicle-to-Grid and Vehicle-to-Home technologies.
J. G. Pinto
Carlos Couto
João Luiz Afonso
Analysis of the Features of a UPQC to Improve Power Quality in Smart Grids.
Bruno Exposto
J. G. Pinto
Henrique Gonçalves
Vitor Monteiro
Delfim Pedrosa
Carlos Couto
João Luiz Afonso
Evaluation of a Shunt Active Power Filter with energy backup capability.
Bruno Exposto
J. G. Pinto
Delfim Pedrosa
Vitor Monteiro
Henrique Gonçalves
João Luiz Afonso
Current-Source Shunt Active Power Filter with Periodic-Sampling Modulation Technique.
J. G. Pinto
Bruno Exposto
Vitor Monteiro
Luís F. C. Monteiro
Carlos Couto
João Luiz Afonso
Comparison of current-source and voltage-source Shunt Active Power Filters for harmonic compensation and reactive power control.
Luís F. C. Monteiro
J. G. Pinto
João Luiz Afonso
Maria D. Bellar
A three-phase four-wire Unified Power Quality Conditioner without series transformers.
Vitor Alberto Silva
J. G. Pinto
Jorge Cabral
João Luiz Afonso
Adriano Tavares
Real time digital control system for a single-phase shunt active power filter.