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Ivan Tsmots
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2015-2024
Publications (10 Years): 39
Top Topics
Neural Network
Diagnosis Of Breast Cancer
Control System
Augmented Reality
Top Venues
CSIT (1)
Vasyl Teslyuk
Ivan Tsmots
Roman Tkachenko
Pavlo Tkachenko
Vasyl Rabyk
Yurii Opotyak
Oleksandr Oliinyk
Implementation of Neuro-like Network Defuzzifier for Mobile Platform Motion Control System.
Ivan Tsmots
Vasyl Teslyuk
Natalia Kryvinska
Oleksa Skorokhoda
Iryna Kazymyra
Development of a generalized model for parallel-streaming neural element and structures for scalar product calculation devices.
J. Supercomput.
79 (5) (2023)
Ivan Tsmots
Vasyl Teslyuk
Yurii Opotyak
Vasyl Rabyk
Intelligent Motion Control System for the Mobile Robotic Platform.
Vasyl Teslyuk
Ivan Tsmots
Natalia Kryvinska
Taras Teslyuk
Yurii Opotyak
Mariana Seneta
Roman Sydorenko
Neuro-controller implementation for the embedded control system for mini-greenhouse.
PeerJ Comput. Sci.
9 (2023)
Ivan Tsmots
Roman Tkachenko
Vasyl Teslyuk
Vasyl Rabyk
Yurii Opotyak
Development of a Device on FPGA to Implement the Base Operation of Neural-like Data Encryption Using Polynomials.
Ivan Tsmots
Vasyl Rabyk
Natalia Kryvinska
Mykhaylo Yatsymirskyy
Vasyl Teslyuk
Design of the Processors for Fast Cosine and Sine Fourier Transforms.
Circuits Syst. Signal Process.
41 (9) (2022)
Ivan Tsmots
Vasyl Teslyuk
Yurii Lukashchuk
Yurii Opotiak
Method of Training and Implementation on the Basis of Neural Networks of Cryptographic Data Protection.
Ivan Tsmots
Roman Tkachenko
Vasyl Teslyuk
Yurii Opotyak
Vasyl Rabyk
Hardware Components for Nonlinear Neuro-like Data Protection in Mobile Smart Systems.
Vasyl Teslyuk
Ivan Tsmots
Oleh Riznyk
Yurii Opotiak
Improvement of the Method of Synthesis of Barker-like Code Sequences and their Application for Data Encoding and Decoding.
Hanna Nazarkevych
Ivan Tsmots
Mariia Nazarkevych
Nazar Oleksiv
Andrii Tysliak
Oleh Faizulin
Research on the effectiveness of methods adaptive management of the enterprise's goods sales using machine learning methods.
Vasyl Teslyuk
Artem Kazarian
Natalia Kryvinska
Ivan Tsmots
Optimal Artificial Neural Network Type Selection Method for Usage in Smart House Systems.
21 (1) (2021)
Roman Bakhmut
Nataliia Kunanets
Antonii Rzheuskyi
Volodymyr Pasichnyk
Vasyl Kut
Oleksandr Volkov
Ivan Tsmots
Formation of Virtual Tours with the Use of Augmented Reality Information Technology.
Roman Bakhmut
Nataliia Kunanets
Volodymyr Pasichnyk
Olga Artemenko
Ivan Tsmots
Using augmented reality WEB-application for providing virtual excursion tours in university campus.
CSIT (2)
Oleg Riznyk
Ivan Tsmots
Yurii Kynash
Olga Myaus
Methods for Increasing the Power of Multi-position Noise-resistant Codes.
CSIT (1)
Oleg Riznyk
Ivan Tsmots
Roman Martsyshyn
Yuliya Miyushkovych
Yurii Kynash
Synthesis of Barker-Like Codes with Adaptation to Interference.
Oleh Berezsky
Oleh Pitsun
Tamara Datsko
Bohdan Derysh
Ivan Tsmots
Vasyl Teslyuk
Specified Diagnosis of Breast Cancer on the basis of Immunogistochemical Images Analysis.
Ivan Tsmots
Vasyl Rabyk
Oleksa Skorokhoda
Yurii Tsymbal
Neural-like Real-Time Data Protection and Transmission System.
Vasyl Rabyk
Ivan Tsmots
Zinovij Lyubun
Oleksa Skorokhoda
Method and Means of Symmetric Real-time Neural Network Data Encryption.
CSIT (1)
Ivan Tsmots
Oleksandr Kuzmin
Vasyl Dubuk
Volodymyr Antoniv
Improvement and Orientation of Method of Data Arrays Sorting by Confluence on Architecture of Graphic Processor Unit.
Ivan Tsmots
Vasyl Rabyk
Oleg Riznyk
Yurii Kynash
Method of Synthesis and Practical Realization of Quasi-Barker Codes.
CSIT (2)
Ivan Tsmots
Vasyl Teslyuk
Viktor Khavalko
Yurii Lukashchuk
Aneta Poniszewska-Maranda
Use of Augmented Reality Technology to Develop an Application for Smart Factory Workers.
Viktor Khavalko
Ivan Tsmots
Anastasija Kostyniuk
Christine Strauss
Classification and Recognition of Medical Images Based on the SGTM Neuroparadigm.
Vasyl Teslyuk
Artem Kazarian
Natalia Kryvinska
Ivan Tsmots
Taras Teslyuk
Automated Synthesis Method of "Smart" Home Systems Based on the Architectural Pattern Redux.
Ivan Tsmots
Oleg Riznyk
Vasyl Rabyk
Yurii Kynash
Natalya Kustra
Mykola Logoida
Implementation of FPGA-Based Barker's-Like Codes.
Ivan Tsmots
Yurii Tsymbal
Oleksa Skorokhoda
Roman Tkachenko
Neural-like Methods and Hardware Structures for Real-time Data Encryption and Decryption.
CSIT (3)
Ivan Tsmots
Oleg Riznyk
Vasyl Rabyk
Yurii Kynash
Mykhailo Dendiuk
Olga Myaus
Michal Gregus
Simulation Model and Practical Realization of Barker-Like Codes.
Ivan Tsmots
Vasyl Teslyuk
Anatoliy Batyuk
Viktor Khavalko
Andreas Mladenow
Information-Analytical Support to Medical Industry.
Ivan Tsmots
Oleksa Skorokhoda
Volodymyr Antoniv
Vasyl Rabyk
Vertically-Parallel Method and VLSI-Structure for Sorting of One-Dimensional Arrays.
CSIT (1)
Artem Kazarian
Vasyl Teslyuk
Ivan Tsmots
Development of Face Recognition Module for a "Smart Home" System Using a Remote Server.
CSIT (1)
Ivan Tsmots
Yurii Tsymbal
Viktor Khavalko
Oleksa Skorokhoda
Taras Teslyuk
Neural-Like Means for Data Streams Encryption and Decryption in Real Time.
Artem Kazarian
Vasyl Teslyuk
Ivan Tsmots
Tykhan Myroslav
Implementation of the Face Recognition Module for the "Smart" Home Using Remote Server.
Ivan Tsmots
Skorokhoda Oleksa
Vasyl Rabyk
Antoniv Volodymyr
Vertically-Parallel Method and VLSI-Structures for Sorting of Arrays of Numbers.
Ivan Tsmots
Oleksa Skorokhoda
Ihor Ignatyev
Vasyl Rabyk
Basic vertical-parallel real time neural network components.
CSIT (1)
Taras Teslyuk
Ivan Tsmots
Teslyuk Vasyl
Mykola Medykovskyy
Yurii Opotyak
Architecture of the management system of energy efficiency of technological processes at the enterprise.
CSIT (1)
Artem Kazarian
Ivan Tsmots
Vasyl Teslyuk
Intelligent house as a service and its practical usage for home energy efficiency.
CSIT (1)
Mykola Medykovskyy
Ivan Tsmots
Yurii Tsymbal
Anastasiya Doroshenko
Development of a regional energy efficiency control system on the basis of intelligent components.
Ivan Tsmots
Oleh Berezkyi
Ihor Ihnatiev
Iryna Gumovska
Implementation of image processing algorithms based on GPU.
Ivan Tsmots
Oleksa Skorokhoda
Vasyl Rabyk
Structure and software model of a parallel-vertical multi-input adder for FPGA implementation.
Ivan Tsmots
Oleksa Skorokhoda
Taras Teslyuk
Vasyl Rabyk
Designing features of hardware and software tools for intelligent processing of intensive data streams.
Ivan Tsmots
Mykola Medykovskyy
Oleksa Skorokhoda
Synthesis of hardware components for vertical-group parallel neural networks.