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Ivan D. Castro
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2016-2021
Publications (10 Years): 12
Top Topics
Ecg Signals
Sleep Apnea
Monitoring System
Human Interaction
Top Venues
IEEE J. Emerg. Sel. Topics Circuits Syst.
Biomed. Signal Process. Control.
Jonathan Moeyersons
John F. Morales
Amalia Villa Gómez
Ivan D. Castro
Dries Testelmans
Bertien Buyse
Chris Van Hoof
Rik Willems
Sabine Van Huffel
Carolina Varon
Supervised SVM Transfer Learning for Modality-Specific Artefact Detection in ECG.
21 (2) (2021)
Adnan Albaba
Ivan D. Castro
Pascal Borzée
Bertien Buyse
Dries Testelmans
Carolina Varon
Sabine Van Huffel
Tom Torfs
Automatic quality assessment of capacitively-coupled bioimpedance signals for respiratory activity monitoring.
Biomed. Signal Process. Control.
68 (2021)
Dorien Huysmans
Ivan D. Castro
Pascal Borzée
Aakash Patel
Tom Torfs
Bertien Buyse
Dries Testelmans
Sabine Van Huffel
Carolina Varon
Capacitively-Coupled ECG and Respiration for Sleep-Wake Prediction and Risk Detection in Sleep Apnea Patients.
21 (19) (2021)
Parvez Ahmmed
Timothy Holder
Marc Foster
Ivan D. Castro
Aakash Patel
Tom Torfs
Alper Bozkurt
Noncontact Electrophysiology Monitoring Systems for Assessment of Canine-Human Interactions.
Tom Torfs
Aakash Patel
Ivan D. Castro
Active capacitive ECG system with all-digital "driven right leg" common mode suppression.
Ivan D. Castro
Aakash Patel
Margot Deviaene
Dorien Huysmans
Pascal Borzée
Bertien Buyse
Dries Testelmans
Sabine Van Huffel
Carolina Varon
Tom Torfs
Unobtrusive, Through-Clothing ECG and Bioimpedance Monitoring in Sleep Apnea Patients.
Dorien Huysmans
Eva Heffinck
Ivan D. Castro
Margot Deviaene
Pascal Borzée
Bertien Buyse
Dries Testelmans
Sabine Van Huffel
Carolina Varon
Sleep-Wake Classification for Home Monitoring of Sleep Apnea Patients.
Ivan D. Castro
Aakash Patel
Tom Torfs
Robert Puers
Chris Van Hoof
Capacitive multi-electrode array with real-time electrode selection for unobtrusive ECG & BIOZ monitoring.
Ivan D. Castro
Carolina Varon
Jonathan Moeyersons
Amalia Villa Gómez
John F. Morales
Margot Deviaene
Tom Torfs
Sabine Van Huffel
Robert Puers
Chris Van Hoof
Data Quality Assessment of Capacitively-Coupled ECG Signals.
Ivan D. Castro
Carolina Varon
Tom Torfs
Sabine Van Huffel
Robert Puers
Chris Van Hoof
Evaluation of a Multichannel Non-Contact ECG System and Signal Quality Algorithms for Sleep Apnea Detection and Monitoring.
18 (2) (2018)
Ivan D. Castro
Marco Mercuri
Tom Torfs
Ilde Lorato
Robert Puers
Chris Van Hoof
Sensor Fusion of Capacitively Coupled ECG and Continuous-Wave Doppler Radar for Improved Unobtrusive Heart Rate Measurements.
IEEE J. Emerg. Sel. Topics Circuits Syst.
8 (2) (2018)
Ivan D. Castro
R. Morariu
Tom Torfs
Chris Van Hoof
Robert Puers
Robust wireless capacitive ECG system with adaptive signal quality and motion artifact reduction.