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Ikbal Ali
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2012-2020
Publications (10 Years): 11
Top Topics
Analytical Models
Smart Grid
Closed Form
Innovative Technologies
Top Venues
IEEE Access
IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. I Regul. Pap.
IEEE Syst. J.
Mohd Asim Aftab
S. M. Suhail Hussain
Ikbal Ali
Taha Selim Ustun
A Novel SCL Configuration Method for Modeling Microgrids With IEC 61850.
IEEE Syst. J.
14 (2) (2020)
S. M. Suhail Hussain
Mohd Asim Aftab
Furquan Nadeem
Ikbal Ali
Taha Selim Ustun
Optimal Energy Routing in Microgrids With IEC 61850 Based Energy Routers.
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron.
67 (6) (2020)
Pawan Kumar
Srete Nikolovski
Ikbal Ali
Introduction to the Special Section on Innovative Technologies for Microgrid and Smart-grid Systems.
Comput. Electr. Eng.
77 (2019)
Taha Selim Ustun
Mohd Asim Aftab
Ikbal Ali
S. M. Suhail Hussain
A Novel Scheme for Performance Evaluation of an IEC 61850-Based Active Distribution System Substation.
IEEE Access
7 (2019)
Ikbal Ali
S. M. Suhail Hussain
Communication Design for Energy Management Automation in Microgrid.
IEEE Trans. Smart Grid
9 (3) (2018)
S. M. Suhail Hussain
Ashok Tak
Taha Selim Ustun
Ikbal Ali
Communication Modeling of Solar Home System and Smart Meter in Smart Grids.
IEEE Access
6 (2018)
S. M. Suhail Hussain
Mohd Asim Aftab
Ikbal Ali
IEC 61850 Modeling of DSTATCOM and XMPP Communication for Reactive Power Management in Microgrids.
IEEE Syst. J.
12 (4) (2018)
S. M. Suhail Hussain
Taha Selim Ustun
Paul Nsonga
Ikbal Ali
IEEE 1609 WAVE and IEC 61850 Standard Communication Based Integrated EV Charging Management in Smart Grids.
IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol.
67 (8) (2018)
Mohd Asim Aftab
S. M. Suhail Hussain
Ikbal Ali
Taha Selim Ustun
IEC 61850 and XMPP Communication Based Energy Management in Microgrids Considering Electric Vehicles.
IEEE Access
6 (2018)
Mohd Asim Aftab
S. M. Suhail Hussain
Vivek Kumar
Taha Selim Ustun
Ikbal Ali
IEC 61850 Communication Assisted Synchronization Strategy for Microgrids.
Paul Nsonga
S. M. Suhail Hussain
Ikbal Ali
Taha Selim Ustun
Using IEC 61850 and IEEE WAVE standards in ad-hoc networks for electric vehicle charging management.
Ikbal Ali
B. N. Biswas
Sudhabindu Ray
Improved Closed Form Large Injection Perturbation Analytical Model on the Output Spectrum of Unlocked Driven Oscillator - Part I: Phase Perturbation.
IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. I Regul. Pap.
(1) (2014)
Ikbal Ali
Abhijit Banerjee
Arindum Mukherjee
B. N. Biswas
Study of Injection Locking With Amplitude Perturbation and Its Effect on Pulling of Oscillator.
IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. I Regul. Pap.
(1) (2012)