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Igor M. Kulikov
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2009-2021
Publications (10 Years): 19
Top Topics
Memory Hierarchy
Numerical Simulations
Navier Stokes
Lattice Boltzmann
Top Venues
Comput. Phys. Commun.
Igor G. Chernykh
Igor M. Kulikov
Alexander Tutukov
Hydrogen-helium chemical and nuclear galaxy collision: Hydrodynamic simulations on AVX-512 supercomputers.
J. Comput. Appl. Math.
391 (2021)
Igor M. Kulikov
A new code for the numerical simulation of relativistic flows on supercomputers by means of a low-dissipation scheme.
Comput. Phys. Commun.
257 (2020)
Igor G. Chernykh
Vitaly A. Vshivkov
Galina I. Dudnikova
Tatyana Liseykina
Ekaterina Genrikh
Anna Efimova
Igor M. Kulikov
Ivan Chernoshtanov
Marina Boronina
High-Performance Simulation of High-Beta Plasmas Using PIC Method.
Igor M. Kulikov
Igor G. Chernykh
Dmitry Karavaev
Viktor Protasov
Vladislav Nenashev
Vladimir Prigarin
The Numerical Simulation of Radial Age Gradients in Spiral Galaxies.
Igor M. Kulikov
Igor G. Chernykh
Evgeny Berendeev
Dmitry Karavaev
Viktor Protasov
Relativistic Hydrodynamics Modeling by Means Adaptive Nested Mesh on IBM Power 9.
Boris M. Glinskiy
Yury A. Zagorulko
Galina Zagorulko
Igor M. Kulikov
Anna Sapetina
The Creation of Intelligent Support Methods for Solving Mathematical Physics Problems on Supercomputers.
Igor G. Chernykh
Vladimir Mironov
Andrey Kudryavtsev
Igor M. Kulikov
Evaluation of Intel Memory Drive Technology Performance for Computational Astrophysics.
Igor M. Kulikov
Igor G. Chernykh
Dmitry Karavaev
Evgeny Berendeev
Viktor Protasov
HydroBox3D: Parallel & Distributed Hydrodynamical Code for Numerical Simulation of Supernova Ia.
Igor M. Kulikov
Igor G. Chernykh
Andrei Tchernykh
A Scalable Parallel Computing Framework for Large-Scale Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics Numerical Simulation.
Vladimir Mironov
Igor G. Chernykh
Igor M. Kulikov
Alexander A. Moskovsky
Evgeny Epifanovsky
Andrey Kudryavtsev
Performance Evaluation of the Intel Optane DC Memory With Scientific Benchmarks.
Vladimir A. Cheverda
Dmitry Kolyukhin
Vadim V. Lisitsa
Maksim Protasov
Galina V. Reshetova
Anastasiya Merzlikina
Victoriay Volyanskaya
Denis Petrov
Valery Shilikov
Artjem Melnik
Boris M. Glinsky
Igor G. Chernykh
Igor M. Kulikov
Digital Twin of the Seismogeological Object: Building and Application.
Vladimir Mironov
Andrey Kudryavtsev
Yuri Alexeev
Alexander A. Moskovsky
Igor M. Kulikov
Igor G. Chernykh
Evaluation of Intel Memory Drive Technology Performance for Scientific Applications.
Vladimir Mironov
Andrey Kudryavtsev
Yuri Alexeev
Alexander A. Moskovsky
Igor M. Kulikov
Igor G. Chernykh
Evaluation of Intel Memory Drive Technology Performance for Scientific Applications.
Igor M. Kulikov
Igor G. Chernykh
Vitaly A. Vshivkov
Vladimir Prigarin
Vladimir Mironov
Alexander Tutukov
The Parallel Hydrodynamic Code for Astrophysical Flow with Stellar Equations of State.
Igor G. Chernykh
Igor M. Kulikov
Boris M. Glinsky
Vitaly A. Vshivkov
Lyudmila Vshivkova
Vladimir Prigarin
Advanced Vectorization of PPML Method for Intel® Xeon® Scalable Processors.
Boris M. Glinskiy
Igor M. Kulikov
Igor G. Chernykh
Improving the Performance of an AstroPhi Code for Massively Parallel Supercomputers Using Roofline Analysis.
Boris M. Glinskiy
Igor M. Kulikov
Igor G. Chernykh
Alexey V. Snytnikov
Anna Sapetina
Dmitry Weins
The Integrated Approach to Solving Large-Size Physical Problems on Supercomputers.
Igor M. Kulikov
Eduard Vorobyov
Using the PPML approach for constructing a low-dissipation, operator-splitting scheme for numerical simulations of hydrodynamic flows.
J. Comput. Phys.
317 (2016)
Boris M. Glinsky
Igor M. Kulikov
Igor G. Chernykh
Dmitry Weins
Alexey V. Snytnikov
Vladislav Nenashev
Andrey Andreev
Vitaly Egunov
Egor Kharkov
The Co-design of Astrophysical Code for Massively Parallel Supercomputers.
ICA3PP Workshops
Igor M. Kulikov
Igor G. Chernykh
Boris M. Glinsky
Dmitry Weins
Alexey B. Shmelev
Astrophysics Simulation on RSC Massively Parallel Architecture.
Igor M. Kulikov
Igor G. Chernykh
Alexei V. Snytnikov
Boris M. Glinskiy
Alexander Tutukov
AstroPhi: A code for complex simulation of the dynamics of astrophysical objects using hybrid supercomputers.
Comput. Phys. Commun.
186 (2015)
Boris M. Glinskiy
Igor M. Kulikov
Alexey V. Snytnikov
Alexey A. Romanenko
Igor G. Chernykh
Vitaly A. Vshivkov
Co-design of Parallel Numerical Methods for Plasma Physics and Astrophysics.
Supercomput. Front. Innov.
1 (3) (2014)
Igor M. Kulikov
Galina G. Lazareva
Alexei V. Snytnikov
Vitaly A. Vshivkov
Supercomputer Simulation of an Astrophysical Object Collapse by the Fluids-in-Cell Method.