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Iain Bethune
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2012-2020
Publications (10 Years): 7
Top Topics
Highly Scalable
Simulation Data
Sampling Strategy
Top Venues
Comput. Phys. Commun.
Nick Brown
Jonathan Mark Bull
Iain Bethune
A highly scalable approach to solving linear systems using two-stage multisplitting.
Iain Bethune
Ralf Banisch
Elena Breitmoser
Antonia B. K. Collis
Gordon Gibb
Gianpaolo Gobbo
Charles Matthews
Graeme J. Ackland
Benedict J. Leimkuhler
MIST: A simple and efficient molecular dynamics abstraction library for integrator development.
Comput. Phys. Commun.
236 (2019)
Iain Bethune
Andreas Glöss
Jürg Hutter
Alfio Lazzaro
Hans Pabst
Fiona Reid
Porting of the DBCSR library for Sparse Matrix-Matrix Multiplications to Intel Xeon Phi systems.
Iain Bethune
Andreas Glöss
Jürg Hutter
Alfio Lazzaro
Hans Pabst
Fiona Reid
Porting of the DBCSR Library for Sparse Matrix-Matrix Multiplications to Intel Xeon Phi Systems.
Ardita Shkurti
Josep Ramón Goñi
Pau Andrio
Elena Breitmoser
Iain Bethune
Modesto Orozco
Charles A. Laughton
pyPcazip: A PCA-based toolkit for compression and analysis of molecular simulation data.
5 (2016)
Vivekanandan Balasubramanian
Iain Bethune
Ardita Shkurti
Elena Breitmoser
Eugen Hruska
Cecilia Clementi
Charles A. Laughton
Shantenu Jha
ExTASY: Scalable and Flexible Coupling of MD Simulations and Advanced Sampling Techniques.
Vivekanandan Balasubramanian
Iain Bethune
Ardita Shkurti
Elena Breitmoser
Eugen Hruska
Cecilia Clementi
Charles A. Laughton
Shantenu Jha
ExTASY: Scalable and flexible coupling of MD simulations and advanced sampling techniques.
Iain Bethune
Antonia B. K. Collis
Lennon Ó. Náraigh
David Scott
Prashant Valluri
Developing a scalable and flexible high-resolution DNS code for two-phase flows.
Marko Miic
Iain Bethune
Milo Tomaevic
Automated Multi-platform Testing and Code Coverage Analysis of the CP2K Application.
Iain Bethune
J. Mark Bull
Nicholas J. Dingle
Nicholas J. Higham
Performance analysis of asynchronous Jacobi's method implemented in MPI, SHMEM and OpenMP.
Int. J. High Perform. Comput. Appl.
28 (1) (2014)
Iain Bethune
Michael Goetz
Extending the Generalized Fermat Prime Number Search Beyond One Million Digits Using GPUs.
PPAM (1)
Alan Gray
Iain Bethune
R. D. Kenway
Lorna Smith
Martyn F. Guest
Christine A. Kitchen
Paul Calleja
A. Korzynski
S. Rankin
Mike Ashworth
A. Porter
Ilian T. Todorov
M. Plummer
E. Jones
L. Steenman-Clark
B. Ralston
Charles A. Laughton
Mapping application performance to HPC architecture.
Comput. Phys. Commun.
183 (3) (2012)
Chris Johnson
Adam Carter
Iain Bethune
Kevin Statford
Mikko Alava
Vitor Cardoso
Muhammad Asif
Bernhard S. A. Schuberth
Tobias Weinzierl
PRACE DECI (Distributed European Computing Initiative) Minisymposium.