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Himanshu Neema
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2004-2024
Publications (10 Years): 23
Top Topics
Heterogeneous Distributed
Risk Analysis
Simulation Platform
Electricity Markets
Top Venues
Salah Uddin Kadir
Subir Majumder
Anurag K. Srivastava
Ajay Dev Chhokra
Himanshu Neema
Abhishek Dubey
Aron Laszka
Reinforcement-Learning-Based Proactive Control for Enabling Power Grid Resilience to Wildfire.
IEEE Trans. Ind. Informatics
20 (1) (2024)
Seyedmehdi Khaleghian
Himanshu Neema
Mina Sartipi
Toan Tran
Rishav Sen
Abhishek Dubey
Calibrating Real-World City Traffic Simulation Model Using Vehicle Speed Data.
Himanshu Neema
Harmon Nine
Thomas Roth
Reusable Network Simulation for CPS Co-Simulations.
CPS-IoT Week Workshops
Rishav Sen
Toan V. Tran
Seyedmehdi Khaleghian
Philip Pugliese
Mina Sartipi
Himanshu Neema
Abhishek Dubey
BTE-Sim: Fast Simulation Environment For Public Transportation.
Big Data
Rishav Sen
Alok Kumar Bharati
Seyedmehdi Khaleghian
Malini Ghosal
Michael Wilbur
Toan V. Tran
Philip Pugliese
Mina Sartipi
Himanshu Neema
Abhishek Dubey
E-transit-bench: simulation platform for analyzing electric public transit bus fleet operations.
Harsh Vardhan
Neal M. Sarkar
Himanshu Neema
Modeling and Optimization of a Longitudinally-Distributed Global Solar Grid.
Himanshu Neema
Harsh Vardhan
Carlos A. Barreto
Xenofon D. Koutsoukos
Web-Based Platform for Evaluation of Resilient and Transactive Smart-Grids.
Ruixiao Sun
Rongze Gui
Himanshu Neema
Yuche Chen
Juliette Ugirumurera
Joseph Severino
Philip Pugliese
Aron Laszka
Abhishek Dubey
TRANSIT-GYM: A Simulation and Evaluation Engine for Analysis of Bus Transit Systems.
Yogesh D. Barve
Himanshu Neema
Zhuangwei Kang
Harsh Vardhan
Hongyang Sun
Aniruddha Gokhale
EXPPO: EXecution Performance Profiling and Optimization for CPS Co-simulation-as-a-Service.
J. Syst. Archit.
118 (2021)
Ruixiao Sun
Rongze Gui
Himanshu Neema
Yuche Chen
Juliette Ugirumurera
Joseph Severino
Philip Pugliese
Aron Laszka
Abhishek Dubey
Transit-Gym: A Simulation and Evaluation Engine for Analysis of Bus Transit Systems.
Salah U. Kadir
Subir Majumder
Ajay Dev Chhokra
Abhishek Dubey
Himanshu Neema
Aron Laszka
Anurag K. Srivastava
Reinforcement Learning based Proactive Control for Transmission Grid Resilience to Wildfire.
Himanshu Neema
Leqiang Wang
Xenofon D. Koutsoukos
Chee Yee Tang
Keith Stouffer
Model-Based Risk Analysis Approach for Network Vulnerability and Security of the Critical Railway Infrastructure.
Yogesh D. Barve
Himanshu Neema
Zhuangwei Kang
Hongyang Sun
Aniruddha Gokhale
Thomas Roth
EXPPO: EXecution Performance Profiling and Optimization for CPS Co-simulation-as-a-Service.
Carlos A. Barreto
Himanshu Neema
Xenofon D. Koutsoukos
Attacking Electricity Markets Through IoT Devices.
53 (5) (2020)
Himanshu Neema
Xenofon D. Koutsoukos
Bradley Potteiger
Chee Yee Tang
Keith Stouffer
Simulation testbed for railway infrastructure security and resilience evaluation.
Himanshu Neema
Janos Sztipanovits
Cornelius Steinbrink
Thomas Raub
Bastian Cornelsen
Sebastian Lehnhoff
Simulation integration platforms for cyber-physical systems.
Himanshu Neema
Harsh Vardhan
Carlos A. Barreto
Xenofon D. Koutsoukos
Design and simulation platform for evaluation of grid distribution system and transactive energy.
Himanshu Neema
Harsh Vardhan
Carlos A. Barreto
Xenofon D. Koutsoukos
Web-Based Platform for Evaluation of Resilient and Transactive Smart-Grids.
Bradley Potteiger
Hamzah Abdel-Aziz
Himanshu Neema
Xenofon D. Koutsoukos
Simulation based evaluation of security and resilience in railway infrastructure.
Himanshu Neema
Bradley Potteiger
Xenofon D. Koutsoukos
Gabor Karsai
Péter Völgyesi
Janos Sztipanovits
Integrated simulation testbed for security and resilience of CPS.
Xenofon D. Koutsoukos
Gabor Karsai
Aron Laszka
Himanshu Neema
Bradley Potteiger
Péter Völgyesi
Yevgeniy Vorobeychik
Janos Sztipanovits
SURE: A Modeling and Simulation Integration Platform for Evaluation of Secure and Resilient Cyber-Physical Systems.
Proc. IEEE
106 (1) (2018)
Yogesh D. Barve
Himanshu Neema
Aniruddha S. Gokhale
Janos Sztipanovits
Model-driven Automated Deployment of Large-scale CPS Co-simulations in the Cloud.
MoDELS (Satellite Events)
Himanshu Neema
Péter Völgyesi
Bradley Potteiger
William Emfinger
Xenofon D. Koutsoukos
Gabor Karsai
Yevgeniy Vorobeychik
Janos Sztipanovits
Demo Abstract: SURE: An Experimentation and Evaluation Testbed for CPS Security and Resilience.
Graham Hemingway
Himanshu Neema
Harmon Nine
Janos Sztipanovits
Gabor Karsai
Rapid synthesis of high-level architecture-based heterogeneous simulation: a model-based integration approach.
88 (2) (2012)
Himanshu Neema
Anand Kashyap
Róbert Kereskényi
Yuan Xue
Gabor Karsai
SOAMANET: A Tool for Evaluating Service-Oriented Architectures on Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks.
Sandeep Neema
Ted Bapty
Xenofon D. Koutsoukos
Himanshu Neema
Janos Sztipanovits
Gabor Karsai
Model based integration and experimentation of Information Fusion and C2 Systems.
Nagarajan Kandasamy
Dávid Hanák
Christopher P. van Buskirk
Himanshu Neema
Gabor Karsai
Synthesis of robust task schedules for minimum disruption repair.
SMC (6)