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Habib Shah
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2011-2023
Publications (10 Years): 27
Top Topics
Deep Learning
Artificial Bee Colony
Handwritten Text
Function Optimization
Top Venues
IEEE Access
Soft Comput.
Int. J. Swarm Intell. Res.
Salman Ali
Muhammad Sadiq Khan
Habib Shah
Harish Garg
Abdullah Alsheddy
BISGA: Recalculating the Entire Boolean-Valued Information System from Aggregates Using a Genetic Algorithm.
2023 (2023)
Muhammad Hammad
Rashad Maqbool Jillani
Sami Ullah
Abdallah Namoun
Ali Tufail
Ki-Hyung Kim
Habib Shah
Security Framework for Network-Based Manufacturing Systems with Personalized Customization: An Industry 4.0 Approach.
23 (17) (2023)
Areesha Ijaz
Basit Raza
Iqra Kiran
Abdul Waheed
Aadil Raza
Habib Shah
Sulaiman Aftan
Modality Specific CBAM-VGGNet Model for the Classification of Breast Histopathology Images via Transfer Learning.
IEEE Access
11 (2023)
Sheher Bano
Shah Khalid
Nasser Mansoor Tairan
Habib Shah
Hasan Ali Khattak
Summarization of scholarly articles using BERT and BiGRU: Deep learning-based extractive approach.
J. King Saud Univ. Comput. Inf. Sci.
35 (9) (2023)
Asia Noureen
Wali Khan Mashwani
Faiz Rehman
Muhammad Sagheer
Habib Shah
Muhammad Asim
Constrained optimization based on hybrid version of superiority of feasibility solution strategy.
Soft Comput.
26 (16) (2022)
Ibrar Hussain
Riaz Ahmad
Siraj Muhammad
Khalil Ullah
Habib Shah
Abdallah Namoun
PHTI: Pashto Handwritten Text Imagebase for Deep Learning Applications.
IEEE Access
10 (2022)
Zia Ullah
Basit Raza
Habib Shah
Shahzad Khan
Abdul Waheed
Towards Blockchain-Based Secure Storage and Trusted Data Sharing Scheme for IoT Environment.
IEEE Access
10 (2022)
Hameed Ullah Khan
Basit Raza
Abdul Waheed
Habib Shah
MSF-Model: Multi-Scale Feature Fusion-Based Domain Adaptive Model for Breast Cancer Classification of Histopathology Images.
IEEE Access
10 (2022)
Muhammad Asim
Wali Khan Mashwani
Habib Shah
Samir Brahim Belhaouari
An evolutionary trajectory planning algorithm for multi-UAV-assisted MEC system.
Soft Comput.
26 (16) (2022)
Harish Garg
Zeeshan Ali
Tahir Mahmood
Sultan Aljahdali
Habib Shah
New Logarithmic Operational Laws-Based Complex q-Rung Orthopair Fuzzy Aggregation Operators and Their Application in Decision-Making Process.
2021 (2021)
Muhammad Tanveer
Abd Ullah Khan
Habib Shah
Ahmed Alkhayyat
Shehzad Ashraf Chaudhry
Musheer Ahmad
ARAP-SG: Anonymous and Reliable Authentication Protocol for Smart Grids.
IEEE Access
9 (2021)
Muhammad Faheem Mushtaq
Mobeen Shahroz
Ali M. Aseere
Habib Shah
Rizwan Majeed
Danish Shehzad
Ali Samad
BHCNet: Neural Network-Based Brain Hemorrhage Classification Using Head CT Scan.
IEEE Access
9 (2021)
Muhammad Tanveer
Abd Ullah Khan
Habib Shah
Shehzad Ashraf Chaudhry
Alamgir Naushad
PASKE-IoD: Privacy-Protecting Authenticated Key Establishment for Internet of Drones.
IEEE Access
9 (2021)
Amina Nuhu Muhammad
Ali M. Aseere
Haruna Chiroma
Habib Shah
Abdulsalam Ya'u Gital
Ibrahim Abaker Targio Hashem
Deep learning application in smart cities: recent development, taxonomy, challenges and research prospects.
Neural Comput. Appl.
33 (7) (2021)
Muhammad Asghar Khan
Habib Shah
Sajjad Ur Rehman
Neeraj Kumar
Rozaida Ghazali
Danish Shehzad
Insaf Ullah
Securing Internet of Drones With Identity-Based Proxy Signcryption.
IEEE Access
9 (2021)
Anuja Arora
Riyu Bana
Habib Shah
Divakar Yadav
Artificial Bee Colony-Based Influence Maximization Approach for Social Coding Portal GitHub.
Int. J. Swarm Intell. Res.
10 (2) (2019)
Zeeshan Danish
Habib Shah
Nasser Tairan
Rozaida Gazali
Akhtar Badshah
Global Artificial Bee Colony Search Algorithm for Data Clustering.
Int. J. Swarm Intell. Res.
10 (2) (2019)
Fakhre Alam
Sami Ur Rahman
Nasser Tairan
Habib Shah
Mohammed Saeed Abohashrh
Sohail Abbas
An Automatic Medical Image Registration Approach Based on Common Sub-regions of Interest.
J. Medical Imaging Health Informatics
9 (2) (2019)
Fazli Wahid
Rozaida Ghazali
Habib Shah
An Improved Hybrid Firefly Algorithm for Solving Optimization Problems.
Habib Shah
Nasser Tairan
Harish Garg
Rozaida Ghazali
A Quick Gbest Guided Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm for Stock Market Prices Prediction.
10 (7) (2018)
Rashida Adeeb Khanum
Muhammad Asif Jan
Wali Khan Mashwani
Nasser Mansoor Tairan
Hidayat Ullah Khan
Habib Shah
On the hybridization of global and local search methods.
J. Intell. Fuzzy Syst.
35 (3) (2018)
Nawsher Khan
Mohammed Alsaqer
Habib Shah
Gran Badshah
Aftab Ahmad Abbasi
Soulmaz Salehian
The 10 Vs, Issues and Challenges of Big Data.
Habib Shah
Nasser Tairan
Harish Garg
Rozaida Ghazali
Global Gbest Guided-Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm for Numerical Function Optimization.
7 (4) (2018)
Umer Iqbal
Rozaida Ghazali
Habib Shah
Fibonacci Polynomials Based Functional Link Neural Network for Classification Tasks.
Jamal Uddin
Rozaida Ghazali
Mustafa Mat Deris
Rashid Naseem
Habib Shah
A survey on bug prioritization.
Artif. Intell. Rev.
47 (2) (2017)
Rashid Naseem
Mustafa Mat Deris
Onaiza Maqbool
Jingpeng Li
Sara Shahzad
Habib Shah
Improved binary similarity measures for software modularization.
Frontiers Inf. Technol. Electron. Eng.
18 (8) (2017)
Habib Shah
Nasser Tairan
Wali Khan Mashwani
Abdulrahman Ahmad Al-Sewari
Muhammad Asif Jan
Gran Badshah
Hybrid Global Crossover Bees Algorithm for Solving Boolean Function Classification Task.
ICIC (3)
Habib Shah
Haruna Chiroma
Tutut Herawan
Rozaida Ghazali
Nasser Tairan
An Efficient Bio-inspired Bees Colony for Breast Cancer Prediction.
Habib Shah
Tutut Herawan
Rozaida Ghazali
Rashid Naseem
Maslina Abdul Aziz
Jemal H. Abawajy
An Improved Gbest Guided Artificial Bee Colony (IGGABC) Algorithm for Classification and Prediction Tasks.
Habib Shah
Tutut Herawan
Rashid Naseem
Rozaida Ghazali
Hybrid Guided Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm for Numerical Function Optimization.
ICSI (1)
Haruna Chiroma
Sameem Abdul Kareem
Eka Novita Sari
Zailani Abdullah
Sanah Abdullahi Muaz
Oguz Kaynar
Habib Shah
Tutut Herawan
Soft Computing Approach in Modeling Energy Consumption.
Habib Shah
Rozaida Ghazali
Yana Mazwin Mohmad Hassim
Honey Bees Inspired Learning Algorithm: Nature Intelligence Can Predict Natural Disaster.
Habib Shah
Rozaida Ghazali
Nazri Mohd Nawi
Mustafa Mat Deris
Tutut Herawan
Global Artificial Bee Colony-Levenberq-Marquardt (GABC-LM) Algorithm for Classification.
Int. J. Appl. Evol. Comput.
4 (3) (2013)
Habib Shah
Rozaida Ghazali
Nazri Mohd Nawi
Global Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm for Boolean Function Classification.
Habib Shah
Rozaida Ghazali
Nazri Mohd Nawi
Mustafa Mat Deris
Global Hybrid Ant Bee Colony Algorithm for Training Artificial Neural Networks.
Habib Shah
Rozaida Ghazali
Nazri Mohd Nawi
Mustafa Mat Deris
G-HABC Algorithm for Training Artificial Neural Networks.
Int. J. Appl. Metaheuristic Comput.
3 (3) (2012)
Habib Shah
Rozaida Ghazali
Prediction of Earthquake Magnitude by an Improved ABC-MLP.
Habib Shah
Rozaida Ghazali
Nazri Mohd Nawi
Using Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm for MLP Training on Earthquake Time Series Data Prediction