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Guy B. Williams
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2005-2023
Publications (10 Years): 8
Top Topics
Neural Dynamics
Image Registration
Labeled Images
Microscope Images
Top Venues
IEEE Trans. Medical Imaging
ICCV (Workshops)
Jan Oscar Cross-Zamirski
Praveen Anand
Guy B. Williams
Elizabeth Mouchet
Yinhai Wang
Carola-Bibiane Schönlieb
Class-Guided Image-to-Image Diffusion: Cell Painting from Brightfield Images with Class Labels.
Jan Oscar Cross-Zamirski
Praveen Anand
Guy B. Williams
Elizabeth Mouchet
Yinhai Wang
Carola-Bibiane Schönlieb
Class-Guided Image-to-Image Diffusion: Cell Painting from Brightfield Images with Class Labels.
ICCV (Workshops)
Andrea I. Luppi
Pedro A. M. Mediano
Fernando E. Rosas
Judith Allanson
John D. Pickard
Guy B. Williams
Michael M. Craig
Paola Finoia
Alexander R. D. Peattie
Peter Coppola
David K. Menon
Daniel Bor
Emmanuel A. Stamatakis
Reduced emergent character of neural dynamics in patients with a disrupted connectome.
269 (2023)
Peter Coppola
Lennart R. B. Spindler
Andrea I. Luppi
Ram Adapa
Lorina Naci
Judith Allanson
Paola Finoia
Guy B. Williams
John D. Pickard
Adrian M. Owen
David K. Menon
Emmanuel A. Stamatakis
Network dynamics scale with levels of awareness.
254 (2022)
Jan Oscar Cross-Zamirski
Guy B. Williams
Elizabeth Mouchet
Carola-Bibiane Schönlieb
Riku Turkki
Yinhai Wang
Self-Supervised Learning of Phenotypic Representations from Cell Images with Weak Labels.
Elijah Mak
Maria-Eleni Dounavi
Audrey Low
Stephen F. Carter
Elizabeth McKiernan
Guy B. Williams
P. Simon Jones
Isabelle Carriere
Graciela Terrera Muniz
Karen Ritchie
Craig Ritchie
Li Su
John T. O'Brien
Proximity to dementia onset and multi-modal neuroimaging changes: The prevent-dementia study.
229 (2021)
Rong Ye
Catarina Rua
Claire O'Callaghan
P. Simon Jones
Frank H. Hezemans
Sanne S. Kaalund
Kamen A. Tsvetanov
Christopher T. Rodgers
Guy B. Williams
Luca Passamonti
James B. Rowe
probabilistic atlas of the human locus coeruleus at ultra-high field.
225 (2021)
Catarina Rua
William T. Clarke
Ian D. Driver
Olivier E. Mougin
Andrew Tyler Morgan
Stuart Clare
Susan T. Francis
Keith W. Muir
Richard G. Wise
Adrian Carpenter
Guy B. Williams
James B. Rowe
Richard Bowtell
Christopher T. Rodgers
* in the human brain: Results from the UK7T study.
223 (2020)
Audrunas Gruslys
Julio Acosta-Cabronero
Peter J. Nestor
Guy B. Williams
Richard E. Ansorge
A New Fast Accurate Nonlinear Medical Image Registration Program Including Surface Preserving Regularization.
IEEE Trans. Medical Imaging
33 (11) (2014)
Lara Z. Diaz-de-Grenu
Julio Acosta-Cabronero
Guy B. Williams
Peter J. Nestor
Comparing voxel-based iterative sensitivity and voxel-based morphometry to detect abnormalities in T2-weighted MRI.
100 (2014)
Srivas Chennu
Paola Finoia
Evelyn Kamau
Judith Allanson
Guy B. Williams
Martin M. Monti
Valdas Noreika
Aurina Arnatkeviciute
Andrés Canales-Johnson
Francisco Olivares
Daniela Cabezas-Soto
David K. Menon
John D. Pickard
Adrian M. Owen
Tristan A. Bekinschtein
Spectral Signatures of Reorganised Brain Networks in Disorders of Consciousness.
PLoS Comput. Biol.
10 (10) (2014)
Lara Z. Diaz-de-Grenu
Julio Acosta-Cabronero
João M. S. Pereira
George Pengas
Guy B. Williams
Peter J. Nestor
MRI detection of tissue pathology beyond atrophy in Alzheimer's disease: Introducing T2-VBM.
56 (4) (2011)
Marta Morgado Correia
Virginia F. J. Newcombe
Guy B. Williams
Contrast-to-noise ratios for indices of anisotropy obtained from diffusion MRI: A study with standard clinical b-values at 3 T.
57 (3) (2011)
João M. S. Pereira
Li Xiong
Julio Acosta-Cabronero
George Pengas
Guy B. Williams
Peter J. Nestor
Registration accuracy for VBM studies varies according to region and degenerative disease grouping.
49 (3) (2010)
P. L. Clatworthy
Guy B. Williams
Julio Acosta-Cabronero
Peter S. Jones
S. G. Harding
Heidi Johansen-Berg
Jean-Claude Baron
Probabilistic tractography of the optic radiations - An automated method and anatomical validation.
49 (3) (2010)
Joana V. Taylor Tavares
Luke Clark
Maura L. Furey
Guy B. Williams
Barbara J. Sahakian
Wayne C. Drevets
Neural basis of abnormal response to negative feedback in unmedicated mood disorders.
42 (3) (2008)
João M. S. Pereira
Peter J. Nestor
Guy B. Williams
Impact of inconsistent resolution on VBM studies.
40 (4) (2008)
Julio Acosta-Cabronero
Guy B. Williams
João M. S. Pereira
George Pengas
Peter J. Nestor
The impact of skull-stripping and radio-frequency bias correction on grey-matter segmentation for voxel-based morphometry.
39 (4) (2008)
Guy B. Williams
Peter J. Nestor
John R. Hodges
Neural correlates of semantic and behavioural deficits in frontotemporal dementia.
24 (4) (2005)