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Grant R. W. Humphries
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2018-2021
Publications (10 Years): 2
Top Topics
Road Extraction
Data Science
Statistical Learning
Satellite Images
Top Venues
Ecol. Informatics
Caroline Höschle
Hannah C. Cubaynes
Penny J. Clarke
Grant R. W. Humphries
Alex Borowicz
The Potential of Satellite Imagery for Surveying Whales.
21 (3) (2021)
Grant R. W. Humphries
Christian Che-Castaldo
P. J. Bull
Greg Lipstein
Aharon Ravia
B. Carrión
T. Bolton
Ambarish Ganguly
Heather J. Lynch
Predicting the future is hard and other lessons from a population time series data science competition.
Ecol. Informatics
48 (2018)