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Géza Joós
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 1992-2021
Publications (10 Years): 14
Top Topics
Protection Scheme
Smart Grid
Predictive Control
Storage Systems
Top Venues
IEEE Trans. Smart Grid
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron.
Huiliang Zhang
Sayani Seal
Di Wu
Benoit Boulet
François Bouffard
Géza Joós
Data-driven Model Predictive and Reinforcement Learning Based Control for Building Energy Management: a Survey.
Fei Zhang
Wei Li
Géza Joós
A Transformerless Hybrid Modular Multilevel DC-DC Converter With DC Fault Ride-Through Capability.
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron.
66 (3) (2019)
Ilja Novickij
Géza Joós
Model Predictive Control Based Approach for Microgrid Energy Management.
Longcheng Tan
Bin Wu
Mehdi Narimani
Dewei Xu
Géza Joós
Multicarrier-Based PWM Strategies With Complete Voltage Balance Control for NNPC Inverters.
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron.
65 (4) (2018)
Qiushi Cui
Khalil El-Arroudi
Géza Joós
Islanding Detection of Hybrid Distributed Generation Under Reduced Non-Detection Zone.
IEEE Trans. Smart Grid
9 (5) (2018)
Avishek Paul
Géza Joós
Innocent Kamwa
Decentralized dynamic state estimation of doubly fed induction generator using terminal measurements.
Martine Chlela
Diego Mascarella
Géza Joós
Marthe Kassouf
Fallback Control for Isochronous Energy Storage Systems in Autonomous Microgrids Under Denial-of-Service Cyber-Attacks.
IEEE Trans. Smart Grid
9 (5) (2018)
Michael Ross
Chad Abbey
François Bouffard
Géza Joós
Microgrid Economic Dispatch With Energy Storage Systems.
IEEE Trans. Smart Grid
9 (4) (2018)
Xuebing Zhai
Chang Lin
Luc-André Grégoire
Weihua Wang
Wei Li
Fei Zhang
Géza Joós
Multi-rate real-time simulation of modular multilevel converter for HVDC grids application.
Tommy Andy Theubou Tameghe
René Wamkeue
Innocent Kamwa
Géza Joós
Mohand A. Ouhrouche
An enhanced current control scheme for microgrids supporting inverters applications.
Dmitry Rimorov
Géza Joós
Innocent Kamwa
Design and implementation of combined frequency/oscillation damping controller for type 4 wind turbines.
Martine Chlela
Diego Mascarella
Géza Joós
Marthe Kassouf
Cyber-resilient control of inverter based microgrids.
Debi Prasad Mishra
Subhransu Ranjan Samantaray
Géza Joós
A Combined Wavelet and Data-Mining Based Intelligent Protection Scheme for Microgrid.
IEEE Trans. Smart Grid
7 (5) (2016)
Fei Zhang
Wei Li
Géza Joós
A Voltage-Level-Based Model Predictive Control of Modular Multilevel Converter.
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron.
63 (8) (2016)
Samah Mansour
Intissar Harrabi
Martin Maier
Géza Joós
Co-simulation study of performance trade-offs between centralised, distributed, and hybrid adaptive PEV charging algorithms.
Comput. Networks
93 (2015)
Martin Lévesque
Christophe Béchet
Eric Suignard
Martin Maier
Anne Picault
Géza Joós
From Co- Toward Multi-Simulation of Smart Grids based on HLA and FMI Standards.
Syed Q. Ali
Diego Mascarella
Géza Joós
Integrated battery charger for delta connected machines in plug-in hybrid electric vehicles.
Martin Lévesque
Frank Aurzada
Martin Maier
Géza Joós
Coexistence Analysis of H2H and M2M Traffic in FiWi Smart Grid Communications Infrastructures Based on Multi-Tier Business Models.
IEEE Trans. Commun.
62 (11) (2014)
Innocent Kamwa
S. R. Samantaray
Géza Joós
Wide Frequency Range Adaptive Phasor and Frequency PMU Algorithms.
IEEE Trans. Smart Grid
5 (2) (2014)
Juan Clavier
Géza Joós
Steve Wong
Economic assessment of the remote community microgrid: PV-ESS-diesel study case.
Da Qian Xu
Géza Joós
Martin Lévesque
Martin Maier
Integrated V2G, G2V, and Renewable Energy Sources Coordination Over a Converged Fiber-Wireless Broadband Access Network.
IEEE Trans. Smart Grid
4 (3) (2013)
Subhadeep Bhattacharya
Diego Mascarella
Géza Joós
Modular multilevel inverter: A study for automotive applications.
Innocent Kamwa
S. R. Samantaray
Géza Joós
On the Accuracy Versus Transparency Trade-Off of Data-Mining Models for Fast-Response PMU-Based Catastrophe Predictors.
IEEE Trans. Smart Grid
3 (1) (2012)
Hamed Golestani Far
Anthony J. Rodolakis
Géza Joós
Synchronous Distributed Generation Islanding Protection Using Intelligent Relays.
IEEE Trans. Smart Grid
3 (4) (2012)
S. R. Samantaray
Géza Joós
Innocent Kamwa
Differential energy based microgrid protection against fault conditions.
Martin Lévesque
Da Qian Xu
Géza Joós
Martin Maier
Communications and power distribution network co-simulation for multidisciplinary smart grid experimentations.
SpringSim (ANSS)
Martin Lévesque
Da Qian Xu
Géza Joós
Martin Maier
Co-Simulation of PEV coordination schemes over a FiWi Smart Grid communications infrastructure.
Samer El Itani
Géza Joós
Comparison of inertial response implementations in DFIG-based wind turbines.
Chad Abbey
Wei Li
Géza Joós
An Online Control Algorithm for Application of a Hybrid ESS to a Wind-Diesel System.
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron.
57 (12) (2010)
Wei Li
Géza Joós
Jean Bélanger
Real-Time Simulation of a Wind Turbine Generator Coupled With a Battery Supercapacitor Energy Storage System.
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron.
57 (4) (2010)
Pablo Aravena
Luis Morán
Juan W. Dixon
Géza Joós
Active Compensation of Sub and Interharmonics in Cycloconverter-Fed Grinding Mill Drives.
Innocent Kamwa
S. R. Samantaray
Géza Joós
Catastrophe Predictors From Ensemble Decision-Tree Learning of Wide-Area Severity Indices.
IEEE Trans. Smart Grid
1 (2) (2010)
Khalil El-Arroudi
Géza Joós
Abdelwahab Abdelsalam
Donald McGillis
Reginald Brearley
Data Mining Technology for Protective Relays Settings in Power Systems with Distributed Resources.
Davood Yazdani
Alireza R. Bakhshai
Géza Joós
Mohsen Mojiri
A Real-Time Extraction of Harmonic and Reactive Current in a Nonlinear Load for Grid-Connected Converters.
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron.
56 (6) (2009)
Jonathan Robinson
Géza Joós
VSC HVDC transmission and offshore grid design for a linear generator based wave farm.
Davood Yazdani
Alireza R. Bakhshai
Géza Joós
Mohsen Mojiri
A Real-Time Three-Phase Selective-Harmonic-Extraction Approach for Grid-Connected Converters.
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron.
56 (10) (2009)
Donald McGillis
Reginald Brearley
Khalil El-Arroudi
Géza Joós
The Autonomous Stress Indicator for Remotely Monitoring Power System State and Watching for Potential Instability.
2 (1) (2009)
Davood Yazdani
Sayed Ali Khajehoddin
Alireza R. Bakhshai
Géza Joós
Full Utilization of the Inverter in Split-Phase Drives by Means of a Dual Three-Phase Space Vector Classification Algorithm.
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron.
56 (1) (2009)
Wei Li
Géza Joós
Chad Abbey
A Parallel Bidirectional DC/DC Converter Topology for Energy Storage Systems in Wind Applications.
José R. Espinoza
Géza Joós
Johan I. Guzman
Luis Morán
Rolando Burgos
Selective harmonic elimination and current/voltage control in current/voltage-source topologies: a unified approach.
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron.
48 (1) (2001)
Humberto Pinheiro
Praveen K. Jain
Géza Joós
Self-oscillating resonant AC/DC converter topology for input power-factor correction.
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron.
46 (4) (1999)
José R. Espinoza
Géza Joós
DSP implementation of output voltage reconstruction in CSI-based converters.
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron.
45 (6) (1998)
José R. Espinoza
Géza Joós
State variable decoupling and power flow control in PWM current-source rectifiers.
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron.
45 (1) (1998)
José R. Espinoza
Géza Joós
Current-source converter on-line pattern generator switching frequency minimization.
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron.
44 (2) (1997)
Manish Pande
Hua Jin
Géza Joós
Modulated integral control technique for compensating switch delays and nonideal DC buses in voltage-source inverters.
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron.
44 (2) (1997)
Huawen Jin
Yi-Ching Wang
Géza Joós
A hybrid structure using phase-controlled rectifiers and high-frequency converters for magnet-load power supplies.
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron.
43 (1) (1996)
Navid Reza Zargari
Géza Joós
Performance investigation of a current-controlled voltage-regulated PWM rectifier in rotating and stationary frames.
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron.
42 (4) (1995)
Gerry Moschopoulos
Géza Joós
Phoivos D. Ziogas
Input characteristics of variable modulation index controlled current source inverters.
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron.
41 (2) (1994)
Navid Reza Zargari
Géza Joós
Phoivos D. Ziogas
A performance comparison of PWM rectifiers and synchronous link converters.
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron.
41 (5) (1994)
Géza Joós
Phoivos D. Ziogas
On maximizing gain and minimizing switching frequency of delta modulated inverters.
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron.
40 (4) (1993)
Alexandre Campos
Géza Joós
Phoivos D. Ziogas
James Lindsay
Analysis and design of a series voltage compensator for three-phase unbalanced sources.
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron.
39 (2) (1992)