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Gerald Ninaus
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2011-2021
Publications (10 Years): 1
Top Topics
Conflict Management
Knowledge Base
Recommender Systems
Preference Elicitation
Top Venues
Configuration Workshop
Alexander Felfernig
Stefan Reiterer
Martin Stettinger
Florian Reinfrank
Michael Jeran
Gerald Ninaus
Recommender Systems for Configuration Knowledge Engineering.
Florian Reinfrank
Gerald Ninaus
Franz Wotawa
Alexander Felfernig
Maintaining constraint-based systems: challenges ahead.
Configuration Workshop
Florian Reinfrank
Gerald Ninaus
Franz Wotawa
Alexander Felfernig
Intelligent supporting techniques for the maintenance of constraint-based configuration systems.
Configuration Workshop
Franz Wotawa
Martin Stettinger
Florian Reinfrank
Gerald Ninaus
Alexander Felfernig
Conflict Management for Constraint-based Recommendation.
Franz Wotawa
Florian Reinfrank
Gerald Ninaus
Alexander Felfernig
iCone: Intelligent Environment for the Development and Maintenance of Configuration Knowledge Bases.
Florian Reinfrank
Gerald Ninaus
Bernhard Peischl
Franz Wotawa
A goal-question-metrics model for configuration knowledge bases.
Configuration Workshop
Alexander Felfernig
Martin Stettinger
Gerald Ninaus
Michael Jeran
Stefan Reiterer
Andreas A. Falkner
Gerhard Leitner
Juha Tiihonen
Towards Open Configuration.
Configuration Workshop
Gerald Ninaus
Florian Reinfrank
Martin Stettinger
Alexander Felfernig
Content-based recommendation techniques for requirements engineering.
Gerald Ninaus
Alexander Felfernig
Martin Stettinger
Stefan Reiterer
Gerhard Leitner
Leopold Weninger
Walter Schanil
INTELLIREQ: Intelligent Techniques for Software Requirements Engineering.
Martin Stettinger
Alexander Felfernig
Michael Jeran
Gerald Ninaus
Gerhard Leitner
Stefan Reiterer
Configuring Decision Tasks.
Configuration Workshop
Alexander Felfernig
Stefan Schippel
Gerhard Leitner
Florian Reinfrank
Klaus Isak
Monika Mandl
Paul Blazek
Gerald Ninaus
Automated repair of scoring rules in constraint-based recommender systems.
AI Commun.
26 (1) (2013)
Martin Stettinger
Gerald Ninaus
Michael Jeran
Florian Reinfrank
Stefan Reiterer
WE-DECIDE: A Decision Support Environment for Groups of Users.
Alexander Felfernig
Stefan Reiterer
Martin Stettinger
Florian Reinfrank
Michael Jeran
Gerald Ninaus
Recommender Systems for Configuration Knowledge Engineering.
Configuration Workshop
Alexander Felfernig
Florian Reinfrank
Gerald Ninaus
Resolving Anomalies in Configuration Knowledge Bases.
Alexander Felfernig
Gerald Ninaus
Florian Reinfrank
Eliciting Stakeholder Preferences for Requirements Prioritization.
Gerald Ninaus
Alexander Felfernig
Florian Reinfrank
Anonymous Preference Elicitation for Requirements Prioritization.
Alexander Felfernig
Gerald Ninaus
Group recommendation algorithms for requirements prioritization.
Gerald Ninaus
Using group recommendation heuristics for the prioritization of requirements.
Alexander Felfernig
Christoph Zehentner
Gerald Ninaus
Harald Grabner
Walid Maalej
Dennis Pagano
Leopold Weninger
Florian Reinfrank
Group Decision Support for Requirements Negotiation.
UMAP Workshops